Freedom of Information Bill - continued        House of Commons

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England and Wales
     66. A police authority established under section 3 of the Police Act 1996.
     67. The Metropolitan Police Authority established under section 5B of the Police Act 1996.
     68. A chief officer of police of a police force in England or Wales.
Northern Ireland
     69. The Police Authority for Northern Ireland.
     70. The Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.
     71. The British Transport Police.
     72. The Ministry of Defence Police established by section 1 of the Ministry of Defence Police Act 1987.
     73. The Port of London Authority, in respect of information relating to the exercise by any constable appointed by the Authority under section 154 of the Port of London Act 1968 of the functions of a constable.
     74. Any person who-
    (a) by virtue of any enactment has the function of nominating individuals who may be appointed as special constables by justices of the peace, and
    (b) is not a public authority by virtue of any other provision of this Act,
  in respect of information relating to the exercise by any person appointed on his nomination of the functions of a special constable.
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