Political Parties elections and Referendums Bill - continued        House of Commons
SCHEDULE 10, - continued

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Statement of relevant donations
     8. The recognised third party must include in any return required to be prepared under section 89 a statement of relevant donations received in respect of the relevant election or elections (within the meaning of that section) which complies with paragraphs 9 and 10.
Donations from permissible donors
     9. - (1) The statement must record, in relation to each relevant donation falling within sub-paragraph (2) which is accepted by the recognised third party-
    (a) the amount of the donation (if a donation of money, in cash or otherwise) or (in any other case) the nature of the donation and its value as determined in accordance with paragraph 4;
    (b) the date when the donation was accepted by the recognised third party; and
    (c) the information about the donor which is, in connection with recordable donations to registered parties, required to be recorded in donation reports by virtue of paragraph 2(2) to (8) of Schedule 5.
      (2) Sub-paragraph (1) applies to a relevant donation where-
    (a) the value of the donation is not less than £5000, or
    (b) the value of the donation, when added to the value of any other donation or donations made by the same donor, is not less than that amount.
      (3) The statement must also record-
    (a) the total value of any relevant donations, other than those falling within sub-paragraph (2), which are accepted by the recognised third party; and
    (b) such other information as may be required by regulations made by the Commission.
Donations from impermissible donors
     10. - (1) This paragraph applies to relevant donations falling within paragraph 5(1)(a) or (b).
      (2) Where paragraph 5(1)(a) applies, the statement must record-
    (a) the name and address of the donor;
    (b) the amount of the donation (if a donation of money, in cash or otherwise) or (in any other case) the nature of the donation and its value as determined in accordance with paragraph 4;
    (c) the date when the donation was received, and the date when, and the manner in which, it was dealt with in accordance with section 49(2)(a); and
    (d) such other information as is required by regulations made by the Commission.
      (3) Where paragraph 5(1)(b) applies, the statement must record-
    (a) details of the manner in which the donation was made;
    (b) the amount of the donation (if a donation of money, in cash or otherwise) or (in any other case) the nature of the donation and its value as determined in accordance with paragraph 4;
    (c) the date when the donation was received, and the date when, and the manner in which, it was dealt with in accordance with section 49(2)(b); and
    (d) such other information as is required by regulations made by the Commission.
      (4) In this paragraph any reference to any provision of section 49 is a reference to that provision as applied by paragraph 6.
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