Countryside and Rights of Way Bill - continued        House of Commons
Maps - continued

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Publication of draft maps.     5. The appropriate countryside body shall-
    (a) issue in draft form any map prepared by them under section 4,
    (b) consider any representations received by them within the prescribed period with respect to the showing of, or the failure to show, any area of land on the map as registered common land or as open country,
    (c) confirm the map with or without modifications,
    (d) if the map has been confirmed without modifications, issue it in provisional form, and
    (e) if the map has been confirmed with modifications, prepare a map incorporating the modifications, and issue that map in provisional form.
Appeal against map after confirmation.     6. - (1) Any person having an interest in any land may appeal-
    (a) in the case of land in England, to the Secretary of State, or
    (b) in the case of land in Wales, to the National Assembly for Wales,
  against the showing of that land on a map in provisional form as registered common land or as open country.
      (2) An appeal relating to the showing of any land as registered common land may be brought only on the ground that the land is not registered common land.
      (3) An appeal relating to the showing of any land as open country may be brought only on the ground that-
    (a) the land does not consist wholly or predominantly of mountain, moor, heath or down, and
    (b) to the extent that the appropriate countryside body have exercised their discretion under section 4(5)(b) to treat land which is not open country as forming part of an area of open country, the body ought not to have done so.
      (4) On an appeal under this section, the Secretary of State or the National Assembly for Wales may-
    (a) approve the whole or part of the map which is the subject of the appeal, with or without modifications, or
    (b) require the appropriate countryside body to prepare under section 4 a new map relating to all or part of the area covered by the map which is the subject of the appeal.
Appeal procedure.     7. - (1) Before determining an appeal under section 6, the Secretary of State or the National Assembly for Wales may, if he or it thinks fit-
    (a) cause the appeal to take or continue in the form of a hearing (which may be held wholly or partly in private if the appellant so requests and the person hearing the appeal agrees),
    (b) cause a local inquiry to be held;
  and the appeal authority shall act as mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) if a request is made by either party to the appeal to be heard with respect to the appeal.
      (2) Subsections (2) to (5) of section 250 of the Local Government Act 1972 (local inquiries: evidence and costs) apply to a hearing or local inquiry held under this section as they apply to a local inquiry held under that section, but as if-
    (a) references in that section to the person appointed to hold the inquiry were references to the Secretary of State or the National Assembly for Wales, and
    (b) references in that section to the Minister causing an inquiry to be held were references to the Secretary of State or the Assembly.
      (3) Where-
    (a) for the purposes of an appeal under section 6, the Secretary of State or the National Assembly for Wales is required by subsection (1)-
      (i) to cause the appeal to take or continue in the form of a hearing, or
      (ii) to cause a local inquiry to be held, and
    (b) the inquiry or hearing does not take place, and
    (c) if it had taken place, the Secretary of State or the Assembly or a person appointed by the Secretary of State or the Assembly would have had power to make an order under section 250(5) of the Local Government Act 1972 requiring any party to pay the costs of the other party,
  the power to make such an order may be exercised, in relation to costs incurred for the purposes of the inquiry or hearing, as if it had taken place.
      (4) This section has effect subject to section 8.
Power of Secretary of State or Assembly to delegate functions relating to appeals.     8. - (1) The Secretary of State or the National Assembly for Wales may-
    (a) appoint any person to exercise on his or its behalf, with or without payment, the function of determining-
      (i) an appeal under section 6, or
      (ii) any matter involved in such an appeal, or
    (b) refer any matter involved in such an appeal to such person as the Secretary of State or the Assembly may appoint for the purpose, with or without payment.
      (2) Schedule 3 has effect with respect to appointments under subsection (1)(a).
Maps in conclusive form.     9. - (1) Where-
    (a) the time within which any appeal under section 6 may be brought in relation to a map in provisional form has expired and no appeal has been brought, or
    (b) every appeal brought under that section in relation to a map has-
      (i) been determined by the map or part of it being approved without modifications, or
      (ii) been withdrawn,
    the appropriate countryside body shall issue the map (or the part or parts of it that have been approved without modifications) as a map in conclusive form.
      (2) Where-
    (a) every appeal brought under section 6 in relation to a map in provisional form has been determined or withdrawn, and
    (b) on one or more appeals, the map or any part of it has been approved with modifications,
  the appropriate countryside body shall prepare a map which covers the area covered by the map in provisional form (or the part or parts of the map in provisional form that have been approved with or without modifications) and incorporates the modifications, and shall issue it as a map in conclusive form.
      (3) Where either of the conditions in subsection (1)(a) and (b) is satisfied in relation to any part of a map in provisional form, the Secretary of State (as respects England) or the National Assembly for Wales (as respects Wales) may direct the relevant countryside body to issue that part of the map as a map in conclusive form.
      (4) Where on an appeal under section 6 part of a map in provisional form has been approved with modifications but the condition in subsection (2)(a) is not yet satisfied, the Secretary of State (as respects England) or the National Assembly for Wales (as respects Wales) may direct the relevant countryside body to issue a map which covers the area covered by that part of the map in provisional form and incorporates the modifications, and to issue it as a map in conclusive form.
      (5) Where a map in conclusive form has been issued in compliance with a direction under subsection (3) or (4), subsections (1) and (2) shall have effect as if any reference to the map in provisional form were a reference to the part not affected by the direction.
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Prepared 3 March 2000