Amendments proposed to the Countryside and Rights of Way Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Gordon Prentice


Clause     3,     page     3,     line     11,     after 'cliff', insert ', cliff-top'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice


Clause     3,     page     3,     line     12,     at end add—

    '( ) An order under this section shall not be made until the Secretary of State (as respects England) or the National Assembly for Wales (as respects Wales) has consulted those interests likely to be affected by the order, has undertaken and published a regulatory impact assessment in relation to the proposed order, and has undertaken and published an assessment of the effects of a proposal for any such order on—

      (a) the environment, including any effects on the natural beauty, flora, fauna and geological and physiographical features of the land affected;

      (b) the use and management of land adjacent to the land affected; and

      (c) flood and coastal defence and coast protection in relation to the land affected.'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     after 'London', insert 'and outside the New Forest'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) all access land,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) all excepted land which is registered common land or open country,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) all sites of special scientific interest which are registered common land or open country,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) all land on which access is excluded or restricted by a direction of indefinite period made under section 24(2)(d),'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) all land on which access is excluded or restricted by a direction for a specified period in each year made under Chapter II,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) means of access to access land,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) land treated as being accessible to the public by reason of section 15'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     15,     at end insert—

      '( ) land dedicated as access land under section 16,'.


Mr David Heath


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     18,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) all access land,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) all excepted land which is registered common land or open country,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) all sites of special scientific interest which are registered common land or open country,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) all land on which access is excluded or restricted by a direction of indefinite period made under section 24 (2)(d),'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) all land on which access is excluded or restricted by a direction for a specified period in each year made under Chapter II,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) means of access to access land,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) land treated as being accessible to the public by reason of section 15'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     19,     at end insert—

      '( ) land dedicated as access land under section 16,'.


Mr David Heath


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     22,     leave out 'and (2)'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     25,     leave out 'but need not distinguish' and insert 'and'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     26,     at end insert 'and shall not incude areas of five hectares or less'.


Mr David Heath


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     27,     after 'section', insert 'and subject to the agreement of the Secretary of State,'.


Mr David Heath


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     27,     leave out 'appropriate countryside body' and insert 'Countryside Agency'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     28,     at end insert—

      '( ) shall not show as open country areas of open country which the body considers are not readily accessible,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     28,     at end insert—

      '( ) shall not show as registered common land areas of registered common land which are so small that the body considers that their inclusion would serve no useful purpose,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     28,     at end insert—

      '( ) may determine not to show as open country areas of open country which consist of large areas of water,'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     leave out lines 29 to 31 and insert—

      '(a) shall not show as open country areas of open country which are less than five hectares in area, and'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     29,     leave out 'may determine not to' and insert 'shall not'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     29,     at end insert ', or as registered common land areas of registered common land (as the case may be),'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     30,     leave out 'which are so small'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     30,     after 'small', insert 'or inaccessible'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     33,     leave out 'whether' and insert 'if'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     34,     leave out from 'is' to second 'to'.


Mr Damian Green
Mr James Paice
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     4,     page     3,     line     35,     at end add—

    '(6) The physical feature referred to in subsection (5)(b) must be in open country or within 20 metres of open country.'.


Mr David Heath


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     36,     leave out 'appropriate countryside body' and insert 'Countryside Agency'.


Mr James Paice
Mr Damian Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     36,     at end insert—

      '( ) publish a notification of the fact that work is starting to prepare a map under section 4 in at least one newspaper circulating in any area where work to prepare such a map is to be undertaken,

      ( ) notify organisations representing the interests of the owners and occupiers of open country within that area that the work is starting,

      ( ) invite owners and occupiers of the land affected to forward to the countryside body maps showing the land which they own or manage and any area within that land which they consider to be open country, and to provide details of any restrictions which they might wish to see applied with respect to access to any such area,'.

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Prepared 6 Apr 2000