Amendments proposed to the Countryside and Rights of Way Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr James Paice
Mr Damian Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown


To move the following Schedule:—


Procedure for Giving Notice of Maps

    1.—(1) Where the appropriate countryside body issue in draft form any map prepared by them under section 4, they shall give notice in the prescribed form—

      (a) stating the general effect of the map and that it has been prepared in draft form,

      (b) naming a place or places in the area in which the land to which the map relates is situated where a copy of the map in draft form may be inspected and copies thereof may be obtained at a reasonable charge at all reasonable hours, and

      (c) specifying the time (which shall not be less than 28 days from the date of the first publication of the notice) within which, and the manner in which, the representations or objections with respect to the order may be made.

    (2) Where the appropriate countryside body issue in provisional form any map prepared by them under section 4, they shall give notice in the prescribed form—

      (a) stating the general effect of the map and that it has been confirmed and is issued in provisional form,

      (b) naming a place or places in the area in which the land to which the map relates is situated where a copy of the map in draft form may be inspected and copies thereof may be obtained at a reasonable charge at all reasonable hours, and

      (c) specifying the time (which shall not be less than 28 days from the date of the first publication of the notice) within which, and the manner in which, the representations or objections with respect to the order may be made.

    (3) The notices to be given under sub-paragraph (1) or (2) above shall be given—

      (a) by publication in at least one local newspaper circulating in the area in which the land to which the notice relates is situated,

      (b) by serving a like notice on—

          (i) every owner, occupier and lessee (except tenants for a month or any period less than a month) of any of that land;

          (ii) every council, the council of every parish or community and the parish meeting of every parish not having a separate parish council being a council, parish or community whose area includes any of that land;

          (iii) such other persons as may be prescribed in relation to the area in which that land is situated or as the appropriate countryside body may consider appropriate; and

      (b) by causing a copy of the notice to be displayed in a prominent position—

          (i) at council offices in the locality of the land to which the order relates; and

          (ii) at such other places as the appropriate countryside body may consider appropriate.

    (4) Where under this paragraph any notice is required to be given in respect of any land which is in a National Park, the appropriate countryside body shall serve a copy of that notice on the national park authority for that national park.

    (5) Where under this paragraph any notice is required to be served on an owner of land and the land belongs to an ecclesiastical benefice, a like notice shall be served on the Church Commissioners.'.

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