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House of Commons
Session 1999-2000
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) Bill [H.L.]

This is the text of the Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) Bill [H.L.], as passed by the House of Lords and introduced in the House of Commons on 15th February 2000.

Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) Bill [H.L.]
1.Amendment of Parliamentary Commissioner Act.
2.Short title.





Amend the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 so as to enable the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration to investigate complaints received directly from members of the public.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-

Amendment of Parliamentary Commissioner Act.     1. - (1) The Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 shall be amended as follows.
      (2) In section 5(1)(a), for the words "to a member of the House of Commons" there is substituted "to the Commissioner".
      (3) Section 5(1)(b) and the preceding "and" shall cease to have effect.
      (4) In section 6(3), the words "to a member of the House of Commons" shall cease to have effect.
      (5) In section 10(1)-
    (a) for the words "the member of the House of Commons" there is substituted "the member of the public"; and
    (b) the words "(or if he is no longer a member of that House, to such member of that House as the Commissioner thinks appropriate)" shall cease to have effect.
      (6) In section 10(5)-
    (a) in paragraph (b)-
      (i) for the words "a member of the House of Commons" there is substituted "the complainant"; and
      (ii) for the words "such a member" there is substituted "the complainant", and
    (b) paragraph (c) shall cease to have effect.
Short title.     2. This Act may be cited as the Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) Act 2000.

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Prepared 3 March 2000