Amendments proposed to the Local Government Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Hilary Armstrong


Clause     24,     page     16,     line     36,     at end insert 'for the purposes of this section'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     24,     page     17,     line     3,     after 'consult' insert 'the'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     24,     page     17,     line     4,     after 'electors' insert 'for'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     24,     page     17,     line     7,     leave out subsection (6).


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     26,     page     17,     line     28,     at end insert—

    '(2) No referendum shall take place until rules for the conduct of referenda have been approved by affirmative resolution of both Houses of Parliament and all referenda shall be conducted in accordance with such rules'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     26,     page     17,     line     34,     leave out 'In' and insert 'For the purpose of'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     26,     page     17,     line     35,     after 'consult' insert 'the'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     26,     page     17,     line     35,     after 'electors' insert 'for'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     26,     page     18,     line     17,     leave out '(2)(b), (3)(a) and (b)' and insert '(1A), (2)(b), (3)'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     26,     page     18,     line     20,     leave out '(3)(a) and (b)' and insert '(1A), (3)'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     27,     page     18,     line     43,     leave out subsection (3).


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     28,     page     19,     line     3,     leave out 'enabling' and insert 'the operation by'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     28,     page     19,     line     4,     leave out 'to operate' and insert 'of'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     28,     page     19,     line     10,     after '26' insert '(Approval of outline fall-back proposals)'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     23,     after 'efficient' insert 'transparent'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Page     19,     line     19,     leave out Clause 29.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     30,     page     20,     line     1,     at beginning insert—

    '( ) A local authority may not operate alternative arrangements unless required to do so by virtue of any provision made by or under this Part.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     30,     page     20,     line     11,     leave out 'is' and insert 'are'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     30,     page     20,     line     14,     leave out subsection (5).


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     30,     page     20,     line     15,     leave out 'is' and insert 'are'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     30,     page     20,     line     20,     after '26' insert '(Approval of outline fall-back proposals)'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Page     20,     line     1,     leave out Clause 30.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     31,     page     20,     line     25,     leave out 'receives' and insert 'receive'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     31,     page     20,     line     28,     after 'operate', insert 'or cease to operate'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     31,     page     21,     line     12,     at end insert—

    '( ) the result of a referendum held under this section shall be of no effect if the number of people voting is less than the average percentage figure for the authority's last three elections.'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     31,     page     21,     line     12,     at end insert—

    '( ) the result of the referendum held under this section shall not be binding on the authority unless at least 10 per cent. of those people entitled to vote did vote in the referendum.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     31,     page     21,     line     15,     after '26' insert '(Approval of outline fall-back proposals)'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     31,     page     21,     line     18,     leave out 'and (unless regulations otherwise provide) is to be 5 per cent.' and insert 'and must not be less than 10 per cent.'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     31,     page     21,     line     21,     at end insert—

    '( ) A referendum under this part shall be of no effect if less than 40 per cent. of the persons entitled to vote in the referendum shall have voted.'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     31,     page     21,     line     21,     at end insert—

    '( ) A referendum under this Part shall not be binding on the authority unless 40 per cent. of the persons entitled to vote in the referendum shall have voted in favour of the proposition set out in the referendum'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     32,     page     21,     line     25,     after 'operate', insert 'or cease to operate'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     32,     page     21,     line     26,     leave out 'a particular' and insert 'such'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     32,     page     21,     line     26,     at end insert 'as may be specified in the direction'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     32,     page     21,     line     40,     after '26' insert '(Approval of outline fall-back proposals)'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     33,     page     21,     line     44,     leave out first 'every' and insert 'any'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     33,     page     21,     line     44,     leave out second 'every' and insert 'any'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     33,     page     22,     line     1,     after 'operate', insert 'or cease to operate'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     33,     page     22,     line     2,     at end insert—

    '( ) Before the Secretary of State makes an order under sub-section (1) he must consult—

      (a) such local authorities

      (b) such representatives of local government, and

      (c) such other persons (if any)

      as appear to him to be likely to be affected by his proposals.

    ( ) In drawing up proposals to put to a referendum under this section, the Secretary of State must take reasonable steps to consult local government electors, and other interested persons in the authorities' areas.'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     33,     page     22,     line     6,     at end insert 'always having regard to the requirement that no more than three local authorities shall be required by the Secretary of State to hold such a referendum within any one calendar year.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     33,     page     22,     line     16,     after '26' insert '(Approval of outline fall-back proposals)'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     34,     page     22,     line     20,     at end insert 'or alternative arrangements'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     34,     page     22,     leave out line 24.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     34,     page     22,     line     26,     at end insert—

      '( ) a copy of the authority's arrangements for members of the public to petition the authority executive, and to attend meetings of the executive to ask questions'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     34,     page     22,     line     32,     at end insert—

    '( ) A local authority must supply a copy of their constitution to any person who requests a copy and who pays to the authority such reasonable fee as the authority may determine.'.

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