Amendments proposed to the Local Government Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Hilary Armstrong


Clause     48,     page     30,     line     23,     leave out 'Any person appointed as' and insert 'A person who becomes'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     48,     page     30,     line     23,     at end insert 'at any time after the authority has adopted a code of conduct under section 47 for the first time'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     48,     page     30,     line     25,     leave out 'existing code of conduct' and insert 'code of conduct for for the time being'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     48,     page     30,     line     27,     leave out subsections (6) to (8).


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     48,     page     30,     line     35,     at end insert 'subject to subsections (9) to (11)'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     48,     page     31,     line     2,     at end insert—

    '(9) A member or co-opted member required to vacate his office under subsection 2(b), 4(b) or 6(b) may appeal to the Standards Board for England for a decision that he may remain in office on the grounds that any of the following are in his case unreasonable or oppressive:

      (a) the relevant code of conduct;

      (b) the size, composition, or terms of reference of the standards committee of the authority of which he is a member;

      (c) the provisions, if any, made under section 49(6), 49(7), 50(4) or 50(6).

    (10) A member or co-opted member appealing under subsection (9) shall remain in office until his appeal has been determined by the relevant Standards Board, who shall give written reasons for their decision.

    (11) If his appeal is rejected the member or co-opted member shall vacate his office on the day following the issue of such decision; if his appeal is upheld his office shall not become vacant under this section.'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


*Clause     48,     page     31,     line     2,     at end add—

    '(9) The code of conduct shall also apply to councillors in their capacity as local authority-nominated representatives to outside bodies.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     31,     line     10,     leave out 'terms' and insert 'term'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


*Clause     49,     page     31,     line     14,     leave out subsection 4(a).


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


*Clause     49,     page     31,     line     16,     after 'authority', insert '(referred to in this Part as an independent member)'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


*Clause     49,     page     31,     line     16,     at end insert—

    '(4A) The membership of the Standards Committee shall be such that the number of independent members exceeds the number of members of the authority.'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     49,     page     31,     line     19,     leave out 'executive leader, and insert 'member of the executive'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     49,     page     31,     leave out line 20.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


*Clause     49,     page     31,     line     20,     leave out 'a member of the executive' and insert 'any member or officer of that or any other relevant authority'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     49,     page     31,     line     20,     at end insert ', and

    (c) in the case of an authority operating executive arrangements may not have a majority of its members composed of members of the executive.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     31,     line     25,     leave out 'and' and insert—

      '(ba) with respect to the access of the public to meetings of such committees,

      (bb) with respect to the publicity to be given to meetings of such committees,

      (bc) with respect to the production of agendas for, or records of, meetings of such committees,

      (bd) with respect to the availability to the public or members of relevant authorities of agendas for, records of or information connected with meetings of such committees,'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     31,     line     30,     leave out 'local' and insert 'relevant'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     32,     line     2,     at end insert—

      '( ) as to the term of office of members of any such committees,'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     32,     line     7,     leave out 'standards'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     32,     line     9,     at end insert—

      '(da) with respect to the access of the public to meetings of such committees,

      (db) with respect to the publicity to be given to meetings of such committees,

      (dc) with respect to the production of agendas for, or records of, meetings of such committees,

      (dd) with respect to the availability to the public or members of relevant authorities of agendas for, records of or information connected with meetings of such committees,'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     32,     line     10,     after second 'of' insert 'any'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     49,     page     32,     line     15,     at end insert—

    '( ) The provision which may be made by virtue of subsection (6)(ba) to (bd) or (11)(da) to (dd) includes provision which applies or reproduces (with or without modifications) any provisions of Part VA of the Local Government Act 1972.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     50,     page     32,     line     39,     leave out 'local' and insert 'relevant'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     50,     page     32,     line     42,     leave out 'local' and insert 'relevant'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     50,     page     32,     line     44,     leave out subsection (8).


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     51,     page     33,     line     23,     leave out 'terms' and insert 'term'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     51,     page     33,     line     45,     after 'and' insert '(ba) to'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     51,     page     34,     line     7,     leave out subsection (11) and insert—

    '( ) Any function which by virtue of the following provisions of this Part is exercisable by or in relation to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a parish council is to be exercisable by or in relation to—

      (a) the standards committee of the district council or unitary county council which is the responsible authority in relation to the parish council, or

      (b) where that standards committee has appointed a sub-committee under this section, that sub-committee;

    and any reference in the following provision of this Part to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a parish council is to be construed accordingly.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     52,     page     35,     line     10,     leave out subsection (7) and insert—

    '( ) Any function which by virtue of the following provisions of this Part is exercisable by or in relation to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a community council is to be exercisable by or in relation to—

      (a) the standards committee of the county council or county borough council in whose area the community council is situated, or

      (b) where that standards committee has appointed a sub-committee under this section, that sub-committee;

    and any reference in the following provision of this Part to the standards committee of a relevant authority which is a community council is to be construed accordingly.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     75,     page     52,     line     4,     leave out 'Every' and insert 'The monitoring officer of each'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     75,     page     52,     line     27,     at end insert—

    '( ) Any regulations that are made under subsection (5) shall provide that, in respect of interests arising solely from the occupation of residential property owned by a local authority, any dispensation in favour of a member of that authority occupying on a secure tenancy under the Housing Act 1985 shall be granted in no less favourable terms to any member holding on a lease from that authority.

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