Amendments proposed to the Local Government Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Hilary Armstrong


Clause     75,     page     52,     line     39,     leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     22,     leave out 'three' and insert 'five'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     23,     at end insert—

    '(2A) The Standards Board for England must be comprised of persons possessing such qualifications as may be determined by the Secretary of State.

    (2B) Qualifications under subsection (2A) shall include not less than four years' continuous service as either a member or officer of a relevant authority.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     25,     leave out 'under' and insert 'by'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     26,     at end insert—


    '( ) In exercising its functions the Standards Board for England must have regard to the need to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members and co-opted members of relevant authorities in England.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     29,     leave out 'section 55' and insert 'this Part'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     30,     leave out 'in relation' and insert 'on matters relating'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     31,     leave out second 'the'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     53,     page     35,     line     32,     after 'authorities' insert—

      '( ) may issue guidance to relevant authorities in England in relation to the qualifications or experience which monitoring officers should possess,'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     71,     line     17,     leave out 'and'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     71,     line     18,     at end insert 'or

      ( ) the functions of the president, deputy president or any tribunal of the Adjudication Panel for England.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     71,     line     25,     leave from first 'being' to end of line 26 and insert 'or becoming (whether by election or otherwise), a member of a local authority or a member of a relevant authority'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     71,     line     28,     leave out 'elected, or being, a member of a local authority' and insert 'or becoming (whether by election or otherwise), a member of a local authority or a member of relevant authority'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     71,     line     29,     leave out 'local' and insert 'relevant'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     71,     line     31,     leave out 'local' and insert 'relevant'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     71,     line     31,     at end insert—

    '(2A) An ethical standards officer is to be treated as being in breach of the terms of his employment if—

      (a) he becomes disqualified for being, or becoming (whether by election or otherwise), a member of a local authority or a member of a relevant authority,

      (b) he becomes a member or an officer of a relevant authority, or

      (c) he becomes a member of a committee, sub-committee, joint committee or joint sub-committee of a relevant authority.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     72,     line     8,     at beginning insert—

    '(1A) Subject to sub-paragraph (1B), the Standards Board may appoint a chief executive but any such appointment requires the consent of the Secretary of State.

    (1B) The first appointment to the position of chief executive may be made by the Secretary of State after consultation with the chairman (or chairman designate) of the Standards Board.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     72,     line     8,     after 'appointing' insert 'a chief executive and'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     72,     line     16,     leave out paragraph (a) and insert—

      '( ) assisting any ethical standards officer in the conduct of an investigation under section 55, and'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     72,     line     20,     leave out 'it thinks fit' and insert 'as the Board, with the approval of the Secretary of State, thinks fit.'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Schedule     3,     page     73,     line     12,     after '10', insert—

    '( ) The Standards Board must establish and maintain a register of interests of its members.

    ( ) The Secretary of State may by regulation make mandatory provisions requiring members of the Standards Board to register in the register maintained under sub-paragraph ( ) above such financial and other interests as are specified in the mandatory provisions.

    ( ) The interests which may be specified under the sub-paragraph above in relation to a member of the Standards Board may include any interests of that member's spouse or partner or any member of that member's household.

    ( ) In this section "partner", in relation to a member of the Standards Board, means a person to whom the member is not married but with whom the member lives as husband or wife.

    ( ) The register maintained under this paragraph must be published and made available for public inspection.'.


Mr Don Foster
Mr Adrian Sanders


Schedule     3,     page     73,     line     17,     after 'particular', insert 'where the matter being considered relates to an interest registered by that member under sub-paragraph ( ) above, or'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     73,     line     22,     at end insert—

'Law of defamation

    . For the purposes of the law of defamation, any statement (whether written or oral) made by an ethical standards officer in connection with the exercise of his functions shall be absolutely privileged.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Schedule     3,     page     74,     line     16,     at end insert—

'Parliamentary Commissioner

    15A. In Schedule 2 to the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 (departments etc subject to investigation) the following entry is inserted at the appropriate place—

      "Standards Board for England."'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     54,     page     35,     line     37,     after second 'member' insert '(or former member or co-opted member)'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     54,     page     35,     line     41,     after 'to' insert 'one of'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     54,     page     35,     line     42,     at end insert—

    '( ) If the Standards Boards for England considers that a written allegation under subsection (1) should not be investigated, it must take reasonable steps to give written notification to the person who made the allegation of the decision and the reasons for the decision.'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson
Mr Tim Loughton


Clause     54,     page     35,     line     42,     at end insert—

    '(3) Where the Standards Board for England decides that any allegation made under this section shall not be investigated, it shall give its reasons in writing.'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     54,     page     35,     line     42,     at end add—

    '(3) If the Standards Board for England considers that a written allegation under subsection (1) should not be investigated, it must provide a written response giving the reason why, within a maximum time limit set down by the Secretary of State under regulations.'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     55,     page     36,     line     6,     after 'member' insert '(or former member or co-opted member)'.


Hilary Armstrong


Clause     55,     page     36,     line     25,     at end insert—

    '( ) Where a person is no longer a member or co-opted member of the relevant authority concerned but is a member or co-opted member of another relevant authority in England, the reference in subsection (4)(c) to the monitoring officer of the relevant authority concerned is to be treated as a reference either to the monitoring officer of the relevant authority concerned or to the monitoring officer of that other relevant authority (and accordingly an ethical standards officer who reaches a finding under subsection (4)(c) must decide to which of those monitoring officers to refer the matters concerned).'.


Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Mr David Curry
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Peter Atkinson


Clause     55,     page     36,     line     25,     at end add—

    '(5) The provisions of this section shall be subject to a full review after three years has elapsed since they were first brought into force.'.

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