Amendments proposed to the Learning and Skills Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     61,     page     27,     line     24,     at end insert—

    '(5A) It is an offence to publish or otherwise make use of other than for the purposes of the inspection information or material acquired in the course of such inspection and any such information or material shall be returned to the person from whom it has been taken as soon as reasonably may be after the conclusion of that inspection.'.


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     61,     page     27,     line     27,     leave out subsection (7).


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     62,     page     27,     line     33,     leave out 'person providing' and insert 'provider of'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     62,     page     27,     line     35,     at end insert 'having regard in particular to any recommendations made in the published report.'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     63,     page     27,     line     45,     leave out 'in a specified area'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     63,     page     27,     line     46,     at end insert—

      '(ab) the implementation of any local learning and skills council plan for that area drawn up under section 22'.


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     63,     page     28,     line     6,     leave out from 'may' to end of line 7 and insert ', without being asked to, conduct such an inspection'.


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     63,     page     28,     line     8,     leave out from 'If' to 'in', in line 9, and insert 'financial resources have been applied by the Learning and Skills Council or a local education authority'.


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     63,     page     28,     line     11,     leave out from 'which' to end of line and insert 'those resources have been applied'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     63,     page     28,     line     23,     at end insert:—

    '(5A) The Chief Inspector of Adult Learning may from time to time tender advice to the Chief Inspector in connection with matters concerning items specified in subsection (1) above and if so tendered the Chief Inspector is bound to consider it.'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     63,     page     28,     line     25,     leave out 'he must do so' and insert 'they should seek to reach agreement on the division of responsibilities, but the Chief Inspector may thereafter determine the scope of that part of the inspection to be carried out by each of the two inspectorates separately'.


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     63,     page     28,     line     26,     leave out 'person providing' and insert 'provider of'.


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     64,     page     29,     line     10,     leave out subsections (5) and (6).


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     65,     page     29,     line     19,     at end insert 'with particular reference to recommendations contained in that report'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     65,     page     29,     line     25,     at end insert 'and such other persons as may seem to them to have an interest in the report'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     66,     page     29,     line     30,     after 'England', insert 'after consulting the Chief Inspector of Adult Learning'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     67,     page     30,     line     10,     at end insert 'subject to their requirements to consult under the provisions of section 68'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     68,     page     30,     line     17,     after 'England', insert—

      '(ba) both Houses of Parliament,'


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     68,     page     30,     line     30,     at end insert 'provided that any such direction shall be published'.


Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


Clause     69,     page     31,     line     12,     at end insert 'and for the division of any responsibilities for the preparation and publication of such a report among the parties conducting the report'.


Mr Malcolm Wicks


Clause     69,     page     31,     line     21,     leave out subsections (4) and (5).


Defamation: Part III


Mr Malcolm Wicks


To move the following Clause—

    '.—(1) For the purposes of the law of defamation a report published under a provision of, or made as a result of, this Part is privileged unless its publication is shown to have been made with malice.

    (2) Nothing in subsection (1) limits any privilege subsisting apart from that subsection.'.

Action plans following section 80 inspections


Mr Malcolm Wicks


To move the following Clause—

    '.—(1) This section applies if the Chief Inspector for Wales publishes a report of an area inspection conducted under section 80.

    (2) The National Assembly may direct the Council to prepare a written statement of the action which it proposes to take in the light of the report and the period within which it proposes to take it.

    (3) The National Assembly may direct a local education authority whose area is wholly or partly in the area covered by the report to prepare a written statement of the action which they propose to take in the light of the report and the period within which they propose to take it.

    (4) In preparing the statement the Council or the authority must consult such persons as the National Assembly may direct.

    (5) The person making the statement must—

      (a) publish it within such period, and in such manner, as may be prescribed by regulations made by the National Assembly; and

      (b) send copies of it to such persons as may be so prescribed.'.

Area inspections by the Chief Inspector


Mr Phil Willis
Mr Richard Allan


To move the following Clause:—

    '.—(1) The Chief Inspector of Adult Learning may, on his own initiative, conduct an inspection of—

      (a) the quality and availability of a specified description of education or training, in a specified area of England, for persons who are aged 16 or over;

      (b) the standards achieved by those receiving that education or training; and

      (c) whether the financial reosurces made available to those providing that education and training are managed efficiently and used in a way which provides value for money.

    (2) The Chief Inspector of Adult Learning must carry out such an inspection if asked to do so by the Secretary of State.

    (3) If the Learning and Skills Council or a local education authority has applied financial resources in respect of education or training which is being inspected under this section, the inspection may extend to considering the manner in which the Council or that authority has applied those resources and whether they have been applied in a way which provides value for money.

    (4) The education or training that may be made the subject of an area inspection is any education or training within—

      (a) the Adult Learning Inspectorate's remit; or

      (b) the remit of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools for England.

    (5) If, in connection with an area inspection, the Chief Inspector asks Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools for England for advice on a matter relating to education or training within his remit, the latter must give such advice as he considers likely to be appropriate for the purposes of the inspection.

    (6) A person providing education or training which is the subject of an area inspection must provide the Chief Inspector with any information reasonably asked for by him in connection with the inspection.

    (7) Any local education authority whose area, or part of whose area, is within the area which is the subject of an area inspection must provide the Chief Inspector with such information as the Chief Inspector may reasonably ask for in connection with the inspection.

    (8) "Area inspection" means an inspection under this section.'.

Frequency of joint inspections

Mr Tim Boswell
Mr James Clappison


To move the following Clause:—

    '.—It shall be the responsibility of the Chief Inspector of Schools in England and the Chief Inspector of Adult Learning to take such steps as are reasonably practicable to ensure that the frequency of joint inspections is not greater than would reasonably have been anticipated had the inspections been carried out by the two Inspectorates separately; and they should have regard to minimising the potential inconvenience and intrusiveness of the inspection on the institution concerned.'.

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