Transport Bill - continued        House of Commons

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     11. All the property, rights and liabilities of the Board relating to the transport police force are by virtue of this paragraph transferred to the Authority.
     12. Nothing in this Part affects the validity of anything done by or in relation to the Board in connection with the transport police force.
     13. There may be continued by or in relation to the Authority anything (including legal proceedings) relating to the transport police force which is in the process of being done by or in relation to the Board when this Schedule comes into force.
     14. Anything done by the Board for the purpose of or in connection with the transport police force which is in effect immediately before the property, rights and liabilities of the Board relating to the transport police force are transferred to the Authority shall be treated as if done by the Authority.
     15. The Authority shall be substituted for the Board in private Acts, instruments made under Acts, other documents and legal proceedings relating to the transport police force.
     16. Where a transport police officer or other person employed by the Board for the purposes of the transport police force becomes an employee of the Authority by virtue of this section-
    (a) for the purposes of Part XI of the Employment Rights Act 1996, he shall not be regarded as having been dismissed by virtue of the transfer, and
    (b) for the purposes of that Act, his period of employment with the Board counts as a period of employment with the Authority and the change of employment does not break the continuity of the period of employment.
     17. In this Part of this Schedule-
    "the property, rights and liabilities relating to the transport police force" means the property, rights and liabilities comprised in the part of the Board's undertaking which constitutes the transport police force (including, in particular, rights and liabilities relating to transport police officers and other persons employed by the Board for the purposes of the transport police force),
    "the transport police force" means the British Transport Police Force, and
    "transport police officers" means the constables appointed under section 53 of the British Transport Commission Act 1949.
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