Mr David Maclean
*Page 2, line 16 [Clause 2], at end insert
'"appropriate equipment or insulation" means works which qualify for grant under regulation 5 of the Home Energy Efficiency Scheme Regulations 2000, namely
(a) insulation in any accessible roof space in the dwelling, including the insulation of any cold water tank and any water supply, overflow and expansion pipes in such a space;
(b) insulation between the internal and external leaves of cavity walls of the dwelling;
(c) draught proofing to or in the dwelling together with additional means of ventilation for any rooms which would otherwise be inadequately ventilated after such provision;
(d) insulation to any water heating system or to provide any part of such a system with insulation incorporated in it;
(e) gas room convector heaters with thermostat control;
(f) electric storage heaters;
(g) electric dual immersion heaters with foam insulated tank;
(h) timer controls for electric space and water heaters;
(i) improvements to the energy efficiency of, or replacement of any part of, or repair to any space or water heating system installed in the dwelling;
(j) installation of a mains gas central heating system with no more than six radiators;
(k) conversion of open solid fuel room fires to closed solid fuel room fires;
(l) provision of a central heating system connected to the local community heating grid with no more than six radiators.'.
Mr David Maclean
*Page 2, line 32 [Clause 3], after 'Act', insert '(Fifteen Year Programme)'.
Mr Eric Forth
*To move the following Schedule:
'Warm Homes Agency for England
1. The Warm Homes Agency for England shall consist of
(a) a Board appointed by the Secretary of State after consultation with the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, the Gas and Electricity Consumer Council, suppliers of domestic energy and providers of public sector housing;
(b) a directorate appointed by the Board;
(c) such staff as are deemed appropriate by the Board and directorate for the achievement of the Agency's objectives.
2. The Warm Homes Agency for England Board shall consist of
(a) 15 members, of whom one shall be elected by its members as chairman;
(b) members appointed by the Secretary of State for a term of office of 5 years.
3. The Warm Homes Agency for England directorate shall consist of professional staff appointed by the Board.'.
Mr Eric Forth
*To move the following Schedule:
'Warm Homes Agency for Wales
1. The Warm Homes Agency for Wales shall consist of
(a) a Board appointed by the National Assembly for Wales after consultation with the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, the Gas and Electricity Consumer Council, suppliers of domestic energy and providers of public sector housing;
(b) a directorate appointed by the Board;
(c) such staff as are deemed appropriate by the Board and directorate for the achievement of the Agency's objectives.
2. The Warm Homes Agency for Wales Board shall consist of
(a) 15 members, of whom one shall be elected by its members as chairman;
(b) members appointed by the National Assembly for Wales for a term of office of 5 years.
3. The Warm Homes Agency for Wales directorate shall consist of professional staff appointed by the Board.'.
Mr David Maclean
*Title, line 1, after 'State, insert 'to draw up and facilitate the carrying out of a programme of action to provide households with a comprehensive package of home insulation, heating and other energy efficiency improvements;'.