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given up to and including

Friday 9th June 2000

Mr Adam Ingram That, during proceedings on the Police (Northern Ireland) Bill, the Committee do meet on Tuesdays at half-past Ten o'clock and at half-past Four o'clock and on Thursdays at half-past Two o'clock.

New Amendments handed in are marked thus *




The Amendments have been arranged in accordance with the Order to be proposed by Mr Adam Ingram.

Mr Adam Ingram To move, That the Bill be considered in the following order, namely, Clause 1; Schedules 1 and 2; Clauses 2 to 13; Schedule 3; Clauses 14 to 66; Schedule 4; Clauses 67 to 70; Schedules 5 to 7; Clauses 71 to 73; new Clauses; new Schedules.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     1,     page     38,     line     16,     leave out 'by applying sub-paragraphs (3) to (8)' and insert 'by the application of the Single Transferable Vote among Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly present in the appropriate sitting of the Northern Ireland Assembly.'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     1,     page     38,     line     26,     leave out 'by applying sub-paragraphs (3) to (8)' and insert 'by the application of the Single Transferable Vote among Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly present in the appropriate sitting of the Northern Ireland Assembly.'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     1,     page     38,     line     27,     leave out from beginning to end of line 11 on page 39.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     1,     page     40,     line     3,     leave out sub-paragraph (4).


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     1,     page     42,     line     41,     after '(4)', insert ', or a decision is to be taken on holding an inquiry under section 56'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     1,     page     43,     line     1,     leave out sub-paragraph (4).


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     1,     page     43,     line     5,     leave out '12' and insert '9'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     1,     page     43,     line     14,     at end insert—

    '(7A) Meetings of the Board shall be held in public except where, in the opinion of the Board, it is manifestly necessary in the public interest not to do so.'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     1,     page     43,     line     15,     leave out '(7)' and insert '(7A)'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Clause     9,     page     6,     leave out lines 26 to 33.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Clause     11,     page     6,     line     37,     leave out 'The Chief Constable' and insert 'The Board'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Clause     11,     page     6,     leave out lines 42 and 43.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Clause     11,     page     7,     line     3,     leave out 'The Chief Constable' and insert 'The Board'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Clause     11,     page     7,     line     3,     leave out 'The Board' and insert 'The Chief Constable'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     3,     page     47,     leave out lines 21 to 24 and insert 'A council shall appoint political members on the basis of a Single Transferable Vote among the members of the council immediately after the last local general election.'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     3,     page     48,     line     21,     at end insert—

    '(6) Where the Board determines a vote of 60% of those present and voting that the nominations made by a council are not representative of the community within that council area, the Board may itself make appointments to the DPP.'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     3,     page     48,     line     24,     leave out 'have regard' and insert 'comply'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     3,     page     48,     line     31,     at end insert—

      '(c) the Equality Commission.'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     3,     page     49,     line     8,     leave out sub-paragraph (2)(a).


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     3,     page     49,     line     14,     leave out '(whether suspended or not)' and insert 'which was not suspended'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     3,     page     49,     line     18,     leave out 'from among the political members'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Schedule     3,     page     49,     leave out lines 21 and 22 and insert 'the office of chairman is held by a political member and the office of vice-chairman is held by an independent member'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     3,     page     50,     line     8,     at end insert—

    '(3A) Meetings of a DPP shall be held in public, except where, in the opinion of the DPP, it is manifestly necessary in the public interest not to do so.'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Schedule     3,     page     50,     line     9,     leave out '(3)' and insert '(3A)'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     22,     page     11,     line     4,     after 'revise', insert 'long term'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     23,     page     11,     line     21,     at end insert—

    '(4) The Board shall establish levels of performance ("performance targets") to be aimed at in seeking to achieve—

      (a) any objectives established by the Secretary of State under section 22;

      (b) the objectives determined by the Board under subsection (1).'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Clause     23,     page     11,     line     21,     at end insert—

    '( ) The Board shall establish levels of performance ("performance targets") to be aimed at in seeking to achieve

      (a) any objectives established by the Secretary of State under section 22; and

      (b) the objectives determined by the Board under this section.'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


*Clause     24,     page     11,     leave out lines 25 to 27 and insert—

    'The annual policing plan shall include a statement of the Board's priorities for the year, of the financial resources expected to be available to the Board and of the proposed allocation of those resources by the Board, and shall give particulars of—

      (a) any objectives determined by the Secretary of State under section 22;

      (b) any objectives determined by the Board under section 23; and

      (c) any performance targets established by the Board under section 23.'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     24,     page     11,     line     25,     leave out from 'include' to end of line 27 and insert 'a statement of—

      (a) the Board's priorities for the year;

      (b) the financial resources expected to be available to the Board;

      (c) the proposed allocation of those resources by the Board; and

      (d) any other matter as appears to the Board appropriate.'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     24,     page     11,     line     27,     at end insert—

    '(2A) The policing plan shall give particulars of—

      (a) any objectives determined by the Secretary of State under section 22;

      (b) the objectives determined by the Board under section 23;

      (c) any performance targets established by the Board under that section;

      (d) an assessment of the training, education and development needs of police officers and police support staff and a strategy for how those needs are to be met;

      (e) arrangements for the appraisal of the performance of police officers and police support staff; and

      (f) any other matter as appears to the Board appropriate.'.

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Prepared 9 Jun 2000