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Index of Amendments


Amendment Paper as at
Thursday 29th June 2000




The Amendments have been arranged in accordance with the Order of the Committee [13th June], as follows:

Clause 1; Schedules 1 and 2; Clauses 2 to 13; Schedule 3; Clauses 14 to 66; Schedule 4; Clauses 67 to 70; Schedules 5 to 7; Clauses 71 to 73; new Clauses; new Schedules.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     47,     page     23,     line     29,     at end add—

      '(g) the Knights of St. Columbanus;

      (h) Opus Dei;

      (i) the Irish National Foresters; or

      (j) the Jesuits.'.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     1,     leave out subsection (5).


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     1,     leave out 'in response to a request under subsection (3)'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     2,     after 'information', insert 'regarding any registrable association that he may have'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     47,     page     24,     leave out lines 6 to 14 and insert—

      '(a) shall issue a request under subsection (3) to every member of the police force not less than once every three years;

      (b) shall update information received under this section where the person to whom it relates informs the Chief Constable that there has been a change in his registrable associations;

      (c) shall retain information received under this section until three years after the person to whom it relates has ceased to be a member of the police force;

      (d) each year shall supply the Ombudsman with information as to any registrable associations of every member of the police force obtained by him.'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


Clause     47,     page     24,     leave out lines 12 to 14.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     47,     page     24,     leave out lines 17 to 19.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     47,     page     24,     leave out line 20.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     21,     leave out 'in the case of information relating to a senior officer'.


Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     24,     leave out 'does' and insert 'could'.


Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     28,     at end add 'and their need for it is in the course of their employment'.


Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     33,     leave out 'a member of'.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     35,     leave out subsection (9).


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     47,     page     24,     line     38,     after 'is', insert 'not'.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     47,     page     25,     leave out lines 1 and 2.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Page     23,     line     22,     leave out Clause 47.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     48,     page     25,     line     6,     leave out 'Chief Constable' and insert 'Board'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     48,     page     25,     line     9,     leave out 'Chief Constable' and insert 'Board'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     48,     page     25,     line     11,     leave out 'Board' and insert 'Chief Constable'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     48,     page     25,     line     13,     after 'State;', insert—

      '(ca) the Ombudsman;

      (cb) the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission;'.


Mr Lembit Öpik
Dr Jenny Tonge


Clause     48,     page     25,     line     13,     after 'State', insert—

      '( ) the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     48,     page     25,     line     14,     leave out 'the Chief Constable' and insert 'the Board'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     48,     page     25,     line     16,     leave out 'Chief Constable' and insert 'Board'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     49,     page     25,     line     18,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'Board'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     49,     page     25,     line     22,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'Board'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     49,     page     25,     line     23,     leave out 'Board' and insert 'Secretary of State'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     49,     page     25,     line     25,     at end insert—

      '(d) the Ombudsman; and

      (e) the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     49,     page     25,     line     26,     leave out 'Secretary of State' and insert 'Board'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     50,     page     25,     line     28,     leave out 'may' and insert 'shall'.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     50,     page     25,     line     29,     after 'force', insert 'to reflect with sensitivity the traditions of both communities in Northern Ireland and the award of the George Cross to the RUC'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     50,     page     25,     line     33,     at end insert—

    '(1A) Any emblem—

      (a) for the police force; or

      (b) applied or required by the police force or police support staff on equipment or property used for the purposes of the police force or otherwise in connection with the police force

    shall be entirely free from any association with any emblem of Ireland or the United Kingdom.'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     50,     page     25,     line     34,     leave out subsection (2) and insert—

    '(2) The Union flag shall not be flown over any land or buildings used for the purposes of or in connection with the police force.'.


Mr William Thompson
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr Andrew Hunter


Clause     50,     page     25,     line     35,     after 'force', insert 'to reflect with sensitivity the traditions of both communities in Northern Ireland and the award of the George Cross to the RUC'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     55,     page     27,     line     42,     leave out 'personal' and insert 'personnel'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     55,     page     27,     line     43,     after 'nature', insert '(this does not include information as to membership of registrable associations under section 47)'.


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady
Mr Kevin McNamara
Dr Norman A. Godman
Mr Stephen Pound


Clause     55,     page     28,     line     1,     leave out sub-paragraph (3)(c).

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