Countryside and Rights of Way Bill. - continued        House of Commons
SCHEDULE 11, REPEALS - continued

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ChapterShort titleExtent of repeal
1970 c. 30.
The Conservation of Seals Act 1970.
Section 10(4)(c) and the following word "or".
1980 c. 66.
The Highways Act 1980.
Section 105A(6)(c).
1981 c. 69.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Sections 29 and 30.
In section 67(2), the word "29,".
In Schedule 11, in each of paragraphs 7(2) and 8, the words "29 or".
1985 c. 31.
The Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Act 1985.
Section 2.
1985 c. 59.
The Wildlife and Countryside (Service of Notices) Act 1985.
Section 1(2).
1988 c. 4.
The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988.
In Schedule 3, paragraph 31(1).
1990 c. 43.
The Environmental Protection Act 1990.
In Schedule 9, paragraph 11(9) to (11).
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