Amendments proposed to the Local Government Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     13,     line     22     [Clause     18],     leave out '(3) and (4)' and insert '(3) to (5)'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14     [Clause     20],     leave out lines 17 and 18 and insert 'arrangements for the overview and scrutiny of the executive (such arrangements referred to in this Part as overview and scrutiny arrangements).'


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14,     line     18     [Clause     20],     at end insert—

    '(1A) Overview and scrutiny arrangements may provide for the discharge of functions and the exercise of powers by—

      (a) a committee,

      (b) a sub-committee,

      (c) a member, or

      (d) an officer

    of the authority (in this Part referred to as overview and scrutiny bodies).'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14     [Clause     20],     leave out lines 20 and 21 and insert 'arrangements make provision so that the powers of overview and scrutiny bodies include powers, between them'.


Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     14,     line     34     [Clause     20],     leave out 'and' and insert 'or'.


Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     14,     line     35     [Clause     20],     leave out 'their inhabitants' and insert 'the inhabitants of that area'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14,     line     36     [Clause     20],     at end insert—

      '(f) to require that the implementation of any such decision as is referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection is deferred until a decision has been made whether or not to exercise the power conferred by subsection (3).'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14,     line     37     [Clause     20],     leave out 'committee' and insert 'body'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14,     line     43     [Clause     20],     at end insert—

    '( ) Unless the matter is certified by the authority's monitoring officer to be urgent, no decision by an executive, a member of an executive or a committee of an executive, under its executive arrangements, shall be implemented within less than five working days after the decision is published.'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14,     line     44     [Clause     20],     leave out subsection (4).


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     14,     line     45     [Clause     20],     leave out 'may not discharge any' and insert 'may by resolution of the authority discharge'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     6     [Clause     20],     leave out 'committee of a local authority' and insert 'body of a local authority which is a committee of the authority'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     9     [Clause     20],     at end insert 'or by a single member or officer of the authority.'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     15     [Clause     20],     leave out 'committee of the authority' and insert 'body of the authority which is a committee of the authority'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     22     [Clause     20],     at end insert—

    '( ) Where a member of a relevant overview and scrutiny committee finds that a decision by or on behalf of the executive ought to be subject to immediate review he may, with the agreement of two members of the relevant overview or scrutiny committee, cause the decision to be delayed until that overview and scrutiny committee has considered the matter.'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     23     [Clause     20],     leave out subsection (9) and insert—

    '(9) Overview and scrutiny arrangements shall include provision ensuring that members of the local authority's executive do not discharge any functions or exercise any powers under those arrangements.'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     26     [Clause     20],     leave out 'committee of a local authority' and insert 'body of a local authority which is a committee of the authority.'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     32     [Clause     20],     leave out 'committee of the authority' and insert 'body of a local authority which is a committee of the authority'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     44     [Clause     20],     leave out 'committee' and insert 'body'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     15,     line     47     [Clause     20],     after 'before', insert 'him, her or'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     16,     line     1     [Clause     20],     at beginning insert '(in the case of a committee)'.


Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     16,     line     3     [Clause     20],     at end insert—

    '( ) A person is not obliged by subsection (14) to answer any question which he would be entitled to refuse to answer in or for the purposes of proceedings in a court in England and Wales.'.


Mr Archie Norman
Mr Nigel Waterson
Mr Tim Loughton
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr David Curry
Mr Peter Atkinson


Page     16,     line     3     [Clause     20],     at end insert—

    '(15) The authority shall appoint officers to assist the overview and scrutiny committee in discharging their functions, and such officers may not also report to the executive.'.


Access to information; background papers


Mr Secretary Prescott


To move the following Clause:—

    '.—(1) In section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 (inspection of background papers) for subsection (1) there is substituted—

            "(1) Subject, in the case of section 100C(1), to subsection (2) below, if and so long as copies of the whole or part of a report for a meeting of a principal council are required by section 100B(1) or 100C(1) above to be open to inspection by members of the public—

            (a) those copies shall each include a copy of a list, compiled by the proper officer, of the background papers for the report or the part of the report, and

            (b) at least one copy of each of the documents included in that list shall also be open to inspection at the offices of the council."

    (2) In subsection (2) the words "of the list, or" are omitted.'.

Meetings and documents: notice etc.


Mr Secretary Prescott


To move the following Clause:—

    '.—(1) In section 100K of the Local Government Act 1972 (interpretation and application of Part VA), after subsection (2) there is inserted—

            "(3) The Secretary of State may by order amend sections 100A(6)(a) and 100B(3) and (4)(a) above so as to substitute for each reference to three clear days such greater number of days as may be specified in the order.

            (4) Any statutory instrument containing an order under subsection (3) above shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament."

    (2) In Schedule 12 to that Act (meetings and proceedings of local authorities), after paragraph 4 there is inserted—

            "4A.—(1) The Secretary of State may by order amend paragraph 4(2) above so as to substitute for the reference to three clear days such greater number of days as may be specified in the order.

            (2) Any statutory instrument containing an order under sub-paragraph (1) above shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.".'.

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