| Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges for the Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 2001, including provision for numbers of personnel as set out hereunder, viz:- |
Sums not exceeding |
Supply Grants | Appropriations in Aid |
Vote | £ | £ |
1. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on personnel costs etc of the armed forces and their reserves and cadet forces (including provision for Naval Service to a number not exceeding 47,345; provision for Reserve Naval and Marine Forces to a number not exceeding 17,148; provision for Special Members of the Reserve Naval Forces not exceeding 200; provision for Army Service to a number not exceeding 128,235; provision for the Reserve Land Forces not exceeding 84,295; provision for Special Members of the Reserve Land Forces not exceeding 6,000; provision for Air Force Service not exceeding 57,450; provision for Reserve Air Forces to a number not exceeding 26,000; and provision for Special Members of the Reserve Air Forces to a number not exceeding 430); personnel costs etc of Defence Ministers and of civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence; movements; charter of ships; logistic services for the armed forces; repair, maintenance stores and supply services; associated capital facilities and works; contractors' redundancy costs; plant and machinery; nuclear warhead and fissile material programme; procurement including development and production of equipment and weapon systems for the armed forces; purchases for sale abroad; research etc by contract; sundry procurement services including those on repayment terms; lands and buildings; works services; contingent liabilities; services provided by other Government departments; sundry services, subscriptions, grants and other payments including those abroad such as assistance to Foreign and Commonwealth Governments for defence related purposes; set-up costs and loans to, and income from, trading funds........ | 22,828,760,000 | 2,116,422,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on retired pay, pensions and other payments, etc....... | 1,342,194,000 | 1,008,629,000 |
Total, Class VI.......£ | 24,170,954,000 | 3,125,051,000 |