Police (Northern Ireland) Bill - continued        House of Commons

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General duty of Secretary of State.     63. The Secretary of State shall exercise his functions under the Police Acts in such manner and to such extent as appears to him to be best calculated to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of-
    (a) the police force;
    (b) the police support staff; and
    (c) traffic wardens.
The Royal Ulster Constabulary GC Foundation.     64. - (1) The Secretary of State may by regulations establish a foundation to be known as "The Royal Ulster Constabulary GC Foundation" for the purpose of marking the sacrifices and honouring the achievements of the Royal Ulster Constabulary.
      (2) Regulations under this section-
    (a) shall provide for the status and constitution of the foundation;
    (b) shall provide for the foundation to have power to support the professional development of members of the police force and innovations in policing;
    (c) may provide for the foundation to have such other functions as are prescribed by the regulations;
    (d) may provide for the procedures of the foundation; and
    (e) make such other provision concerning the foundation as the Secretary of State thinks necessary or expedient for the proper functioning of the foundation.
      (3) The Secretary of State may make payments to, or for the purposes of, the foundation.
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