Amendments proposed to the Police (Northern Ireland) Bill, As Amended - continued House of Commons

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Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     23,     line     15     [Clause     46],     leave out 'as a member of the police service'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     23,     line     17     [Clause     46],     leave out 'members of the police service' and insert 'police officers serving in the Police Service of Northern Ireland'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     4     [Clause     47],     leave out from 'a' to 'but', in line 6, and insert 'police officer serving in the Police Service of Northern Ireland Reserve as they apply to a police officer serving in the Police Service of Northern Ireland'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     13     [Clause     48],     leave out 'member of the police force' and insert 'police officer'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     17     [Clause     48],     at end insert—

      '( ) the Knights of Saint Columbanus;'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     18     [Clause     48],     at end insert—

      '( ) Opus Dei;'.


Mr David Trimble
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


*Page     24,     line     20     [Clause     48],     at end add—

      '(g) the Knights of St. Columbanus; or

      (h) Opus Dei.'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     25     [Clause     48],     leave out from beginning to 'inform', in line 26, and insert 'The Chief Constable shall require each police officer to'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     27     [Clause     48],     leave out 'member' and insert 'police officer'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     29     [Clause     48],     leave out from 'In' to 'under' and insert 'imposing a requirement on a police officer'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     30     [Clause     48],     leave out 'member' and insert 'officer'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     34     [Clause     48],     leave out 'requested' and insert 'required'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     35     [Clause     48],     leave out from 'who' to 'shall', in line 36, and insert 'provides information which he knows to be false—

      (a) in response to a requirement under subsection (3), or

      (b) in informing the Chief Constable under subsection (6)(b) of a change of his registrable associations,'.


Mr David Trimble
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


*Page     24,     line     36     [Clause     48],     leave out from second 'be' to end of line 38 and insert—

      '(a) disciplined by the Chief Constable if he is of a rank of Chief Superintendent or below under the police disciplinary code; or

      (b) disciplined by the Board if he is above the rank of Chief Superintendent.'.


Mr John McDonnell
Mr Jeremy Corbyn


Page     24,     line     39     [Clause     48],     after 'Constable', insert 'shall maintain and provide to the Ombudsman a register of membership within the Police Service of registrable organisations, and—'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     24,     line     42     [Clause     48],     leave out 'member of the police force' and insert 'police officer'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     1     [Clause     48],     leave out 'month' and insert 'year'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     2     [Clause     48],     leave out 'member of the police force' and insert 'police officer'.


Mr David Trimble
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


*Page     25,     line     13     [Clause     48],     leave out 'does' and insert 'could'.


Mr David Trimble
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


*Page     25,     line     17     [Clause     48],     at end add 'and their need for it is in the course of their employment'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     20     [Clause     48],     leave out 'any member of the police force' and insert 'a police officer'.


Mr David Trimble
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


*Page     25,     line     22     [Clause     48],     leave out 'a member of'.


Mr David Trimble
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


*Page     25,     line     23     [Clause     48],     at end insert—

    '(8A) No information received under this section shall be disclosed by the Chief Constable under subsection (7) unless there is an issue of bias in favour of another police officer or a member of the public.'.


Mr David Trimble
Mr Ken Maginnis
Mr William Thompson


*Page     25,     line     28     [Clause     48],     leave out from 'that' to end of line 29 and insert—

      '(a) before the disclosure was made, he obtained the information otherwise than in his capacity as a person to whom that subsection applies; and

      (b) that he did not use knowledge of the information, obtained in his capacity as a person to whom that subsection applies, to facilitate obtaining the information otherwise than in his capacity as a person to whom that subsection applies.'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     32     [Clause     48],     leave out 'members of the police force' and insert 'police officers'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     35     [Clause     48],     leave out 'members of the police force' and insert 'police officers'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     40     [Clause     49],     leave out 'Chief Constable' and insert 'Board'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     42     [Clause     49],     leave out 'members of the police force' and insert 'police officers'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     42     [Clause     49],     at end insert—

    '( ) A draft of the code shall be submitted by the Chief Constable to the Board for it to consider.

    ( ) The Board may adopt the draft code—

      (a) as submitted by the Chief Constable; or

      (b) with such amendments as the Board may determine, after consultation with the Chief Constable.'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     25,     line     43     [Clause     49],     leave out from 'revising' to end of line 45 and insert 'the code, the Board shall consult-'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     26,     line     5     [Clause     49],     leave out 'Chief Constable' and insert 'Board'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     26,     line     6     [Clause     49],     at end insert—

    '( ) After consulting under subsection (2), the Board may make such further amendments to the draft code as it may determine, after consultation with the Chief Constable.'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     26,     line     7     [Clause     49],     leave out 'Chief Constable' and insert 'Board'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     26,     line     8     [Clause     49],     leave out 'he' and insert 'it'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     26,     line     8     [Clause     49],     at end insert—

    '( ) The Chief Constable shall take such steps as he considers necessary to ensure—

      (a) that all police officers have read and understood the code as currently in force; and

      (b) that a record is made and kept of the steps taken in relation to each officer.'.

     As an Amendment to Mr Secretary Mandelson's proposed Amendment (No. 169) (Page     26,     line     8     [Clause     49]):


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady


*Line     3,     after 'understood', insert 'and have undertaken to abide by'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     26,     line     8     [Clause     49],     at end insert—

    '( ) The Secretary of State shall take such steps as he considers necessary to ensure that the provisions of the code currently in force under this section are reflected in the regulations (taken as a whole) made under section 25 or 26 of the 1998 Act.'.

     As an Amendment to Mr Secretary Mandelson's proposed Amendment (No. 170) (Page     26,     line     8     [Clause     49]):


Mr John Hume
Mr Seamus Mallon
Mr Eddie McGrady


*Line     1,     leave out 'take such steps as he considers' and insert 'as far as practicable take all steps'.


Mr John McDonnell
Mr Jeremy Corbyn


Page     26,     line     9     [Clause     50],     leave out 'Secreary of State' and insert 'Board'.


Mr Secretary Mandelson


*Page     26,     line     10     [Clause     50],     leave out 'members of the police force' and insert 'police officers'.

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