This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject headings and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers text for
Thursday 17 Feb 2000

Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 617W

Written Answers to Questions [17 Feb 2000]


Nationalist and Republican (Definition) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Blunt -- Nationalist and Republican (Definition) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mandelson

Terrorist Violence [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Paterson -- Terrorist Violence [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ingram

Mr. Paterson -- Terrorist Violence [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ingram

Mr. Paterson -- Terrorist Violence [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ingram

Column: 618W

Royal Ulster Constabulary [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Paterson -- Royal Ulster Constabulary [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ingram


Disqualifications Bill [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Simon Hughes -- Disqualifications Bill [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

Police Pensions [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gill -- Police Pensions [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Bus Lanes [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Cox -- Bus Lanes [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 619W

Mr. Charles Clarke

Police Authority Funding [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gill -- Police Authority Funding [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Clear-up Rates [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Miller -- Clear-up Rates [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Column: 620W

Information Systems [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Miller -- Information Systems [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Column: 619W

Column: 619W

Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Reed -- Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 620W

Mr. Straw

Column: 621W

Mr. Reed -- Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Straw

Contested Cases [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Marshall-Andrews -- Contested Cases [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Column: 622W

Crown Court [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Marshall-Andrews -- Crown Court [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Sentencing [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Marshall-Andrews -- Sentencing [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Pleadings [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Marshall-Andrews -- Pleadings [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Column: 623W

Young Offender Institutions [17 Feb 2000]

Miss Widdecombe -- Young Offender Institutions [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Boateng

Blantyre House Prison [17 Feb 2000]

Miss Widdecombe -- Blantyre House Prison [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Boateng

Emergency Services [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Sheerman -- Emergency Services [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hewitt

Charity Commission [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hope -- Charity Commission [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 624W

Mr. Boateng

Boundary Commission [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Rosie Winterton -- Boundary Commission [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Straw

Departmental Expenditure Limit [17 Feb 2000]

Maria Eagle -- Departmental Expenditure Limit [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Straw

Column: 625W

CABINET OFFICE [17 Feb 2000]

Research Contracts [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Harris -- Research Contracts [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ian McCartney


Subtitling [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Baker -- Subtitling [17 Feb 2000]

Janet Anderson

Column: 626W

Exercise England [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Pendry -- Exercise England [17 Feb 2000]

Kate Hoey

Remploy [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Caton -- Remploy [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Chris Smith

National Lottery [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Paul Marsden -- National Lottery [17 Feb 2000]

Kate Hoey

Column: 627W

Welsh and Gaelic Language Television [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Simon Thomas -- Welsh and Gaelic Language Television [17 Feb 2000]

Janet Anderson

Works of Art (Nazi Era) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Dismore -- Works of Art (Nazi Era) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Alan Howarth

Column: 628W

Column: 629W


Sellafield [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Leslie -- Sellafield [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Liddell

Hawk Exports (Zimbabwe) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hilary Benn -- Hawk Exports (Zimbabwe) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Caborn

Objective 2 [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Blizzard -- Objective 2 [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Caborn

Ilisu Dam [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Brake -- Ilisu Dam [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Caborn

Column: 630W

Defence Exports (Bahrain) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Corbyn -- Defence Exports (Bahrain) [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Howells

Column: 631W

Arms Exports [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Oona King -- Arms Exports [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Howells

Post Offices [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gordon Prentice -- Post Offices [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Alan Johnson

Mr. Gordon Prentice -- Post Offices [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Alan Johnson

Column: 632W

Mr. Gordon Prentice -- Post Offices [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Alan Johnson

Mr. Gordon Prentice -- Post Offices [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Alan Johnson

Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Reed -- Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Howells

Small Businesses [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Salmond -- Small Businesses [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 633W

Ms Hewitt

Nuclear Fuel (South Korea) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Llew Smith -- Nuclear Fuel (South Korea) [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Liddell

BRITECH Initiative [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Starkey -- BRITECH Initiative [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hewitt

Home Work Convention [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ian Stewart -- Home Work Convention [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Alan Johnson

Column: 634W

Competition Act 1998 [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gibb -- Competition Act 1998 [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Howells

Hydro-Agri [17 Feb 2000]

Shona McIsaac -- Hydro-Agri [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Caborn

Millennium Bug [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Llew Smith -- Millennium Bug [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Liddell

Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Liddell

Column: 635W

Mrs. Gillan -- Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Liddell

Mrs. Gillan -- Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Caborn

Peat Compost [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Paul Marsden -- Peat Compost [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Howells

Recycling [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ian Bruce -- Recycling [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hewitt

Column: 636W

Custodian of Enemy Property, Palestine [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Borrow -- Custodian of Enemy Property, Palestine [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Byers


Departmental Functions (Food) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Yeo -- Departmental Functions (Food) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Lock

Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Reed -- Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Lock

Mr. Reed -- Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 637W

Mr. Lock


Budget Requirements (London) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Fitzpatrick -- Budget Requirements (London) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Regional Eurostar Services [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Doug Henderson -- Regional Eurostar Services [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Column: 638W

Free Parking [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Cox -- Free Parking [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Departmental Staff [17 Feb 2000]

Caroline Flint -- Departmental Staff [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Column: 639W

Caroline Flint -- Departmental Staff [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Column: 640W

Caroline Flint -- Departmental Staff [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Column: 641W

Unfit Drivers [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. O'Hara -- Unfit Drivers [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Car Insurance [17 Feb 2000]

Angela Smith -- Car Insurance [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Angela Smith -- Car Insurance [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Chief Nuclear Inspector [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Llew Smith -- Chief Nuclear Inspector [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 642W

Mr. Meacher

Asbestos [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Cox -- Asbestos [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Meacher

Column: 643W

Health and Safety Prosecutions [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Cox -- Health and Safety Prosecutions [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Meacher

Motor Vehicle Ban [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Dobbin -- Motor Vehicle Ban [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Urban Waste Water Directive [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Gibson -- Urban Waste Water Directive [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mullin

Column: 644W

Newspaper Recycling [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Nicholas Winterton -- Newspaper Recycling [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mullin

Mr. Nicholas Winterton -- Newspaper Recycling [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mullin

Mr. Nicholas Winterton -- Newspaper Recycling [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mullin

Euratom [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Livsey -- Euratom [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Meacher

Public Transport Employees (Attacks) [17 Feb 2000]

Dan Norris -- Public Transport Employees (Attacks) [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 645W

Mr. Meacher

Manor Farm Estate, Scunthorpe [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Waterson -- Manor Farm Estate, Scunthorpe [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mullin

Advertising Budgets [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Baker -- Advertising Budgets [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Column: 646W

Mr. Baker -- Advertising Budgets [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Devolved Assemblies [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Evans -- Devolved Assemblies [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Rail Safety [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Moore -- Rail Safety [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Secondment Policy [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Llew Smith -- Secondment Policy [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Second Homes [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Andrew George -- Second Homes [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Column: 647W

National Air Traffic Services [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Galbraith -- National Air Traffic Services [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Mullin

Leasehold Reform [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Portillo -- Leasehold Reform [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Raynsford

Bus and Train Companies (Liquidation) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Austin -- Bus and Train Companies (Liquidation) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hill

Column: 648W

DEFENCE [17 Feb 2000]

Bloody Sunday [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. McNamara -- Bloody Sunday [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hoon

Column: 649W

Mr. McNamara -- Bloody Sunday [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hoon

Warships (South Atlantic) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gill -- Warships (South Atlantic) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Spellar

Sierra Leone [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Key -- Sierra Leone [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hoon

Defence Medical Services [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Menzies Campbell -- Defence Medical Services [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Moonie

Army Tanks and Vehicles (Maintenance) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Menzies Campbell -- Army Tanks and Vehicles (Maintenance) [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 650W

Mr. Spellar

Imphal Barracks [17 Feb 2000]

Miss McIntosh -- Imphal Barracks [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Spellar


Education and Training (Deprived Areas) [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. George Turner -- Education and Training (Deprived Areas) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

Information and Learning Technology (Access) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Peter Bradley -- Information and Learning Technology (Access) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wills

Column: 651W

New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. David Stewart -- New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Jowell

Mr. Maclean -- New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hodge

Mr. Maclean -- New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hodge

Mr. Maclean -- New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hodge

Column: 652W

Learning and Skills Councils [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hilary Benn -- Learning and Skills Councils [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

Class Sizes [17 Feb 2000]

Miss Kirkbride -- Class Sizes [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Mr. Gerald Howarth -- Class Sizes [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Post-16 Education (Lancashire) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Borrow -- Post-16 Education (Lancashire) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

School Funding [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Cash -- School Funding [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Column: 653W

Mr. Todd -- School Funding [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Summer Schools [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Grogan -- Summer Schools [17 Feb 2000]

Jacqui Smith

Column: 654W

Further Education Students [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. St. Aubyn -- Further Education Students [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

Millennium Volunteer Projects [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Ann Cryer -- Millennium Volunteer Projects [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hodge

Specialist Schools [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Blizzard -- Specialist Schools [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Neighbourhood Support Fund [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Organ -- Neighbourhood Support Fund [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

Column: 655W

Secondary Schools (Gloucestershire) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Drew -- Secondary Schools (Gloucestershire) [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Performance-related Pay [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Cable -- Performance-related Pay [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Work-based Learning [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Kidney -- Work-based Learning [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

Labour Market Access [17 Feb 2000]

Laura Moffatt -- Labour Market Access [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Jowell

Column: 656W

Early-years Education [17 Feb 2000]

Charlotte Atkins -- Early-years Education [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hodge

Sure Start [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Nigel Griffiths -- Sure Start [17 Feb 2000]

Yvette Cooper

Column: 657W

Training and Further Education Spending [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Quinn -- Training and Further Education Spending [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

Disability Rights Task Force [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Curtis-Thomas -- Disability Rights Task Force [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hodge

Illegal Drugs [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Chope -- Illegal Drugs [17 Feb 2000]

Jacqui Smith

Maths Year 2000 [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gardiner -- Maths Year 2000 [17 Feb 2000]

Jacqui Smith

Column: 658W

Remedial Education [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Bill Michie -- Remedial Education [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris

Tuition Fees [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Tuition Fees [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wicks

Employment Service [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Pickthall -- Employment Service [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Blunkett

Column: 659W

Column: 660W

Disability Rights Commission [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gareth R. Thomas -- Disability Rights Commission [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Hodge

Higher and Further Education [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Gerrard -- Higher and Further Education [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Blunkett

Ministerial Visits [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Jack -- Ministerial Visits [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Estelle Morris


Disability Living Allowance [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Breed -- Disability Living Allowance [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Bayley

Column: 661W

New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Willetts -- New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 662W

Angela Eagle

Column: 661W

Column: 661W

Mr. Willetts -- New Deal [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 662W

Angela Eagle

Column: 661W

Column: 661W

Minimum Income Guarantee [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Lynne Jones -- Minimum Income Guarantee [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Rooker

Column: 662W

Housing Benefit [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Housing Benefit [17 Feb 2000]

Angela Eagle

Column: 663W

Pensions [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Maclennan -- Pensions [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Rooker

Benefit Entitlements [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Benefit Entitlements [17 Feb 2000]

Angela Eagle

Column: 664W

Software Releases [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Burstow -- Software Releases [17 Feb 2000]

Angela Eagle

Column: 665W

Column: 666W

Discretionary Social Fund [17 Feb 2000]

Maria Eagle -- Discretionary Social Fund [17 Feb 2000]

Angela Eagle

HEALTH [17 Feb 2000]

NHS Charges [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Rapson -- NHS Charges [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Denham

Column: 667W

Waiting Times [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Lilley -- Waiting Times [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Denham

Insulin Pens [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Singh -- Insulin Pens [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Denham

Worcestershire and Alexandra NHS Trusts [17 Feb 2000]

Miss Kirkbride -- Worcestershire and Alexandra NHS Trusts [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Denham

Hospital Waiting Lists (Essex) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Burns -- Hospital Waiting Lists (Essex) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Denham

Column: 668W


BSE and CJD [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Drew -- BSE and CJD [17 Feb 2000]

Ms Quin

Advertising Budgets [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Baker -- Advertising Budgets [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Morley

HOUSE OF COMMONS [17 Feb 2000]

Ethnic Minority Staff [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Baker -- Ethnic Minority Staff [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Kirkwood

Column: 669W

TREASURY [17 Feb 2000]

Working Families Tax Credit [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Webb -- Working Families Tax Credit [17 Feb 2000]

Dawn Primarolo

Taxation [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Taxation [17 Feb 2000]

Dawn Primarolo

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Taxation [17 Feb 2000]

Dawn Primarolo

Column: 670W

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Taxation [17 Feb 2000]

Dawn Primarolo

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Taxation [17 Feb 2000]

Dawn Primarolo

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Taxation [17 Feb 2000]

Dawn Primarolo

Monetary Policy Committee [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Matthew Taylor -- Monetary Policy Committee [17 Feb 2000]

Miss Melanie Johnson

Column: 671W

PRIME MINISTER [17 Feb 2000]

Disqualifications Bill [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Simon Hughes -- Disqualifications Bill [17 Feb 2000]

The Prime Minister

Austria (Bilateral Meetings) [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Jim Murphy -- Austria (Bilateral Meetings) [17 Feb 2000]

The Prime Minister

Steven John Hayden [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hague -- Steven John Hayden [17 Feb 2000]

The Prime Minister

Column: 672W

Countryside Reception [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Yeo -- Countryside Reception [17 Feb 2000]

The Prime Minister

Column: 673W

WALES [17 Feb 2000]

Objective 1 [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wigley -- Objective 1 [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Paul Murphy

Departmental Budgets [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Wigley -- Departmental Budgets [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Paul Murphy

Waterhouse Report [17 Feb 2000]

Charlotte Atkins -- Waterhouse Report [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hanson


Arms Exports [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Streeter -- Arms Exports [17 Feb 2000]

Clare Short

Column: 674W

Mr. Streeter -- Arms Exports [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Foulkes

Mr. Streeter -- Arms Exports [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Foulkes

Zimbabwe [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Zimbabwe [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Foulkes

Funding [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Funding [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 675W

Mr. Foulkes

Chernobyl [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Chernobyl [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Foulkes

Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Reed -- Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Foulkes

Column: 676W

Mr. Reed -- Paper and Timber Products [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Foulkes


Advertising Budget [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Baker -- Advertising Budget [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Column: 677W

Kosovo [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Ivan Lewis -- Kosovo [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Vaz

Western Sahara [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Corbyn -- Western Sahara [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Afghanistan [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Corbyn -- Afghanistan [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Mrs. Gillan -- Afghanistan [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Mrs. Gillan -- Afghanistan [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 678W

Mr. Hain

Mrs. Gillan -- Afghanistan [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Battle

Mrs. Gillan -- Afghanistan [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Mrs. Gillan -- Afghanistan [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Departmental Meetings [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Departmental Meetings [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Robin Cook

Mrs. Gillan -- Departmental Meetings [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Column: 679W

Departmental Expenditure Limit [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Departmental Expenditure Limit [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Mrs. Gillan -- Departmental Expenditure Limit [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Battle

Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Battle

Mrs. Gillan -- Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Column: 680W

Mr. Vaz

Mrs. Gillan -- Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Vaz

Mrs. Gillan -- Ukraine [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Vaz

Children's Rights [17 Feb 2000]

Dr. Godman -- Children's Rights [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Column: 681W

Departmental Property [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Departmental Property [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Battle

Column: 682W

Mrs. Gillan -- Departmental Property [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Battle

Column: 681W

Column: 683W

Column: 683W

Zimbabwe [17 Feb 2000]

Mrs. Gillan -- Zimbabwe [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain

Column: 684W

Mrs. Gillan -- Zimbabwe [17 Feb 2000]

Mr. Hain