Index for Volume 340

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Abbott, Ms Diane

                  Debates etc.

    London Underground (08.12.99) 882

    WTO Millennium Round (09.12.99) 1051-4


    Metropolitan Police, Riot control weapons 104-6w

    Police, Training 106w


Accident and emergency departments


    Chinook helicopters 346w



Adams, David

Addresses to the Crown

Adlearn Foundation

Adult education

Advance corporation tax


Advisory Group on Openness in the Public Sector

    see Openness in the Public Sector Advisory Group

Advisory services

    New deal schemes 306w



Agency nurses

Agenda 2000

Agent 15


    see also Farmers

    Northern Ireland 335w

    Sites of special scientific interest 556w

Agriculture Select Committee

    (29.11.99) 122, (06.12.99) 666


Ainsworth, Mr Peter

                  Debates etc.

    Wembley Stadium (01.12.99) 306-8


    Art works, Exports 469w

    Museums and galleries, Finance 535-6w

    National Lottery, Computer terminals 623w

    Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art, Annual reports 469-70w

Air force

    Falkland Islands 283w

Air pollution

Air routes

Air traffic

    Inverness Airport 43w

Air traffic control


Airport tax

    Highlands of Scotland 80w

Alder Hey Children's Hospital

Alexander, Mr Douglas


    Developing countries, Primary education 629w

    International Criminal Court 258w

    Local government, Elections 111w

    Public records, Disclosure of information 213w

Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    Electronic Communications Bill, 2R (29.11.99) 59, 61, 68, 71, 73-4

    Representation of the People Bill, 2R (30.11.99) 186-7, 191, 196


    Pre-school education 589w

Alternative energy

    Regional development agencies 40-1w

Alternative medicine

Amess, Mr David


    Cervical cancer, Screening 69w

    Education, Wales 232w

    Human embryo experiments, Prosecutions 107w

    State retirement pensions, Widowed people 59w



    Dental services 499w

    Royal Bolton Hospital 438w

Anderson, Mr Donald

                  Debates etc.

    Beef (09.12.99) 996

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    EC law, Parliamentary scrutiny (08.12.99) 238wh


    Transport, Wales 231w

Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    Assets, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 323w

    BBC, Finance 10w

    BBC External Services, Broadcasting programmes 469w

    Commercial broadcasting, Mergers 469w

    Digital broadcasting, Elderly 321w, 323w

    Digital broadcasting, Internet 326w

    Football, Broadcasting 623w

    Millennium Exhibition, Construction 325w

    Millennium Exhibition, Industrial accidents 325w

    Millennium Exhibition, Official hospitality 324w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tickets 366w

    Tourism, Marketing 321w

    Tourist attractions 366w


Animal breeding

Animal experiments

    Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 285-6w

Animal feed

    Genetically modified organisms 333-4w

Animal products

Animal welfare


Antiaircraft missiles

Antisocial behaviour orders

Antisubmarine warfare

Appropriations in aid

Arable area payments scheme

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James

                  Debates etc.

    London Underground (08.12.99) 930


    Higher education 224w


Areas of outstanding natural beauty


Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Falkland Islands 1w

    Marital status 3w

Arms trade

    British dependent territories 314w

    Export controls 632w

    Indonesia 1w

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions


    Economic regions 145

    Local government finance 131-3

    Members, Correspondence 139w

    New deal for communities, Luton 133-4

    New deal for communities, Sheffield 131w

    South East England Development Agency 144-5


    Conditions of employment 2w, 284w

Army Terms of Service (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 1999


Art works

Ashdown, Rt Hon Paddy

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Kosovo, Construction (01.12.99) 73-8wh, 80wh, 92wh

Ashton, Mr Joe

                  Debates etc.

    Wembley Stadium (01.12.99) 308-9


    Parliament, Theft 191w

    St Luke's School Worksop 311-2w

Assembly Cabinet

    see Cabinet of the National Assembly for Wales


    Dept of Social Security 89-90w

    Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 473-5w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 159-61w

    Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 179-80w

    Museums and galleries 190w

    Research councils 25w

Assisted areas

    Dumfries and Galloway 457w


    see Refugees


    Capital gains tax 448w

Atherton, Ms Candy


    Occupational pensions 595w

    Special Educational Needs Tribunal, Annual reports 588w

Atkins, Charlotte

                  Debates etc.

    Beef (09.12.99) 994


    Schools, Finance 48w

    Schools, Transport 47w

Atkinson, Mr David


Atkinson, Mr Peter

                  Debates etc.

    Poverty, Points of order (06.12.99) 571

    Rural development plans (07.12.99) 708

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    EC law, Parliamentary scrutiny (08.12.99) 236-41wh


    EC institutions, Reform 689

Austin, Mr John

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Palestinians, Refugees (30.11.99) 10-3wh


    Cervical cancer, Screening 69w

Automated credit transfer


    Immigration officers 8w

AWE Aldermaston


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