Index for Volume 342

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Access to work programme

Accident and emergency departments


    Chinook helicopters 98w


Acid rain

ACP countries


Administration of justice

    Young offenders 388w

Administration Select Committee

Advisory services

    Family planning 63w


    Planning permission (18.01.00) 190-8wh



    see also Farmers


    Developing countries 676-7

Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    British Council, English language 224w

    Further education, English language 223-4w

    Millennium Exhibition 212w

    Royal Opera House 385w

    Tax allowances, Art works 104w

    Wembley Stadium 23w

Air force

Air traffic

Air traffic control

Airbus Military

Aircraft carriers

Airport tax


Alcoholic drinks

Alder Hey Children's Hospital

Alexander, Mr Douglas


    Drugs, Smuggling 322w


Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    House of Commons, Management (20.01.00) 1084-7

    Millennium compliance (20.01.00) 978-9

    Post offices (17.01.00) 622-3


    House of Commons, Telephone systems 546-7w

    New deal schemes, Scotland 966-7

Alliance and Leicester plc (Group Reorganisation) Bill (HL) 1996/97

                  Debates etc.

    Rep* (13.01.00) 405

    3R* (19.01.00) 827

Alternative energy

    Developing countries 565w

Alyn and Deeside

    EC grants and loans 589w

Alzheimer's disease


Amess, Mr David


    EC grants and loans 108w

    In vitro fertilisation, Gender selection 136w



    Closed circuit television 543-4

Analysis of Costs and Benefits (European Union Membership) Bill 1999/2000

                  Debates etc.

    1R (20.01.00) 996

Ancillary staff

Anderson, Mr Donald


    Pinochet, Augusto 280

Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    Digital broadcasting 350w

    London freedom pass 385w

    Tourism, Task forces 25w


Animal experiments

Animal welfare


Antenatal care

Antiaircraft missiles


Antisocial behaviour orders

Appropriations in aid


    Seas and oceans 348w

Archer of Weston-super-Mare, Lord

Areas of outstanding natural beauty


    Falkland Islands 683


    Alzheimer's disease 197w

Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Falkland Islands 207w

    Ministerial statements (12.01.00) 287-301

    Telecommunications 282w

Armed Forces Discipline Bill (HL) 1999/2000


Arms trade

    Developing countries 677

    Export controls 28w

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions


    Compost 119w

    East of England Development Agency 113w

    Land Settlement Association, Compensation 8w

    Non-domestic rates, Electricity generation 9-10w

    Regional planning and development, West Midlands 143

    Single regeneration budget, West Midlands 110-1w

Army Foundation College


Art works


    Medical treatments 145w

Artificial sweeteners


    Industrial injuries disablement benefit 499-500w

Ashdown, Rt Hon Paddy


    Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Manpower 307w

    Dental services 588w

    Pensioners, Social security benefits 572w

    Pensioners, Somerset 571w

    Police, Somerset 317w

    Post offices, Social security benefits 519w

    Post offices, Somerset 519w

    Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 572w

    State retirement pensions 572w

Ashton, Mr Joe


    Axgro Foods, Regional selective assistance 27w

    Food, Regional selective assistance 27w

    Regional selective assistance 208w

Assembly Cabinet

    see Cabinet of the National Assembly for Wales

Assisted areas

    Dumfries and Galloway 260w

Astley Hall Museum

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