Index for Volume 343

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Access funds

Access to work programme

Accident and emergency departments


    Chinook helicopters 384w

    Fees and charges 173w

    Manchester Airport 659w


    Intelligence services 243w

Acute beds

Adams, Mrs Irene


    Students, Scotland 133

Adjudication officers

Administration of justice

Advocate General for Scotland

    Departmental responsibilities 179w



    Overseas aid 76w

African Development Bank (Further Subscription to Capital Stock) Order 1999

                  Debates etc.

After school clubs

Age addition

    State retirement pensions 85-6w


    see also Farmers

    Regional development agencies 721w

    Small businesses 484w

Agriculture development scheme

Ainger, Mr Nick


Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    Digital broadcasting, Consumer information 163w

    Millennium Exhibition, Attendance 772w

    Millennium Exhibition, Contracts 772w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tickets 772-3w

    National Lottery 776

    Television, Licensing 769

Air Accidents Investigation Branch

Air force

Air pollution

    Rendering industry 614w

Air routes

Air traffic

Air Training Corps

Airbus Military


    Electrical safety 660w

Aircraft carriers

Airport tax

    Highlands of Scotland 176w


Alba Proteins

Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    Electronic Communications Bill, Rep and 3R (25.01.00) 162, 166, 171, 182-3

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Education, Standards (26.01.00) 61-3wh


    Entry clearances 299w




Alstom Transport

Alternative energy

Alyn and Deeside

Ambulance services

Amess, Mr David


    Health services, Southend 352w

    Members, Allowances 320w

    Navy, Manpower 55w


Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    Channel Five Broadcasting, EC countries 304w

    Commercial broadcasting, Mergers 303-4w

    Digital broadcasting, Disability aids 90w, 302w

    Film, Foreign investment in UK 475-6w

    Millennium Exhibition, Attendance 770-2w

    Millennium Exhibition, Contracts 771-2w

    Millennium Exhibition, Public opinion 474w

    Millennium Exhibition, Sponsorship 476w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tickets 771-3w

    New Millennium Experience, Executives 771w, 773w

    Television, Disability aids 302-3w

    Tourism, Balance of payments 477w

    Tourism, Coastal areas 478w

    Tourism, North West region 91-2w

    Tourism, Publicity 164w

Animal breeding

Animal experiments

Animal products

Animal welfare

    Xenotransplantation 217w

Antiaircraft missiles

Antisocial behaviour orders


Appointments Commission

Arable area payments scheme

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James


    Members, Correspondence 763w


Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, Lord

Architects Registration Board

Areas of outstanding natural beauty


    Merchant shipping 35w


Armed conflict

    Democratic Republic of Congo 737w

Armed forces

    Charter of Fundamental Rights (EU) 744w

    Disciplinary proceedings 591-2w

    Homosexuality 52w

Armoured fighting vehicles

    Repairs and maintenance 592w

Arms trade

    Central Africa 36w

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

                  Debates etc.


    Camden Borough Council, Reform 275w

    Correspondence, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 664w

    Investment, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 279-80w

    Local government, Reform 663w

    Local Government Act 1988, Homosexuality 610w

    Local government finance 355-6w

    National Assembly for Wales, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 134w

    Non-domestic rates, Appeals 618-9w

    Post offices, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 130w


    Women's Royal Voluntary Service 676-7w

Army Technical Support Agency


Ashdown, Rt Hon Paddy


    Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Civilians 705w

    Dental services 107w

    Drug rehabilitation centres 762w

    Education, Somerset 697w

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 350w

    Intensive care, Hospital beds 350w

    Medical profession, Manpower 351w

    National Lottery, Yeovil 300w

    Police, Overtime 706w

    Police, Somerset 701w

    Post offices, Social security benefits 45w

    Social security benefits, Post offices 372w, 553w

    State retirement pensions 256w

    Surgery, Waiting lists 350w

    Young offenders, Somerset 703-4w

Ashford Prison

Ashton, Mr Joe

                  Debates etc.


    Overseas aid 75w

Assembly Cabinet

    see Cabinet of the National Assembly for Wales


    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 729-30w

    Dept for Education and Employment 25-7w

    Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 397-8w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 200-1w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 165w

    Government departments 269w

    Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 570-2w

    Ministry of Defence 675w

    Northern Ireland Office 5w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 328w

Assisted places scheme

Asteroid task Force

    see Near Earth Objects Task Force

ASTOR system


    see Refugees

Atherton, Ms Candy


    Chemical weapons, Health hazards 330w

    EC grants and loans 43-4w


Atkins, Charlotte

                  Debates etc.

    Carers and Disabled Children Bill, 2R (04.02.00) 1366

    House of Commons Commission (02.02.00) 1153

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Ambulance services, Standards (01.02.00) 167-8wh


    Foreign investment in UK 282w

Atkinson, Mr David


    Lebanon, Israel 298w

    Local government finance, Storms 135w

Atkinson, Mr Peter

                  Debates etc.


    Students, Scotland 175w

Attendance centres

Attorney General

Au pairs

Audio recordings

    10 Downing Street 408w

Austin, Mr John


    Argentina, Merchant shipping 35w

    Medical laboratory scientific officers, Pay 454w

    Medical profession, Pay 347-8w


    Special education 30w

Automated credit transfer

    Social security benefits 468-9w

Automatic train protection


    Safety measures 659w

Avon and Somerset Constabulary

AWE Aldermaston

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