Index for Volume 344
A Ap B C Ce Cl D E Ew F Fo G Gr H I Ir J Ju K L Ll M N Nu O P Q R Ri Ru S Si Sp T U V W X
Abbey Wood
Abbott, Ms Diane
Debates etc.
Greater London Authority (Election Expenses) Order (15.02.00) 908
Greater London Authority Elections Rules (15.02.00) 883, 885-6, 895
ABM Treaty
Military aircraft 31-2w, 881w
Acute beds
Kent and Canterbury Hospital (14.02.00) 741-8
Adams, Mrs Irene
Domestic violence, Northern Ireland 187-8w
Addenbrookes Hospital
Addresses to the Crown
Child Abuse in North Wales Judicial Inquiry (15.02.00) 749
Administration of justice
Administration Select Committee
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 793w
Dept for Education and Employment 702w
Dept for International Development 564w
Dept of Social Security 603-4w
Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 645w
Dept of Trade and Industry 557w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 676w
Millennium Exhibition 508w
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 668w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 599w
Advisory services
Advocate General for Scotland
African Development Fund (Eighth Replenishment) Order 1999
Debates etc.
Age addition
State retirement pensions 325-6w
Agenda 2000 CAP Reform New Direction for Agriculture Consultation Document"
Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission
Agriculture development scheme
Agriculture Select Committee
Ainsworth, Mr Peter
Debates etc.
Millennium Exhibition (21.02.00) 1306-11, 1313-4, 1319, 1338-9
Gardening leave, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 222w
Millennium Exhibition 441w
Millennium Exhibition, Manpower 799w
Millennium Exhibition, Sponsorship 442w, 800w
Museums and galleries, Finance 441w
Museums Libraries and Archives Council 545w
Museums Libraries and Archives Council, Finance 441w
Music, Public libraries 440-1w
New Millennium Experience, Finance 545w
New Millennium Experience, Public appointments 442w
Public service broadcasting, EC action 442w
Air conditioning
Air force
Air pollution
Air routes
Air traffic control
Aircraft carriers
Alexander, Mr Douglas
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative 989w
Post offices, Paisley 946w
All party groups
Allan, Mr Richard
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Legal aid, Fraud (15.02.00) 193-7wh
Parliamentary data and video network 845w
Specialist schools initiative 1100-1
Allen, Mr Graham, Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household
Debates etc.
Political Parties Elections and Referendums Bill, Com (16.02.00) 977
Alliance and Leicester plc (Group Reorganisation) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Debates etc.
Royal Assent (10.02.00) 500
Altcourse Prison
Alternative energy
Dept of Social Security 786-7w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 941w
Recycling (07.02.00) 91-8
Amber Valley
Amess, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
EC grants and loans, Southend (09.02.00) 91-5wh
Primary care trusts, Southend 197w
Analysis of Costs and Benefits (NAFTA Membership) Bill 1999/2000
Debates etc.
Ancillary staff
Anderson, Mr Donald
Debates etc.
Intergovernmental Conference 2000 (15.02.00) 775
Zimbabwe, Human rights 756-7
Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Debates etc.
Millennium Exhibition (21.02.00) 1324, 1338-41
Broadcasting programmes, Welsh language 627w
European Convention on Transfrontier Television 548w
Millennium, Fireworks 237w
Millennium Exhibition, Advertising 508w
Millennium Exhibition, Catering 237w
Millennium Exhibition, Educational visits 546-7w
Millennium Exhibition, Ministerial duties 800w
New Millennium Experience, Finance 545w
Television, Licensing 10w
Animal experiments
Animal Procedures Committee
Animal products
Animal welfare
Greyhound racing (16.02.00) 950-2
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986
Genetically modified organisms 288-9w, 592w, 915-6w
Antisocial behaviour orders