Index for Volume 345

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    Kingston upon Hull 603w



Academic year

Access funds

Accident and emergency departments


    Chinook helicopters 34w

Acute beds




Advisory services

    Electronic commerce 337w


    British Council 276w

Agency nurses



    see also Farmers

    Trade agreements 52w

Agriculture development scheme


Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    Art works, Exports 5-6

    Millennium Exhibition 8

    Millennium Exhibition, Educational visits 87w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tickets 249w

    Museums and galleries, Finance 837w

    National Lottery 9

    New Millennium Experience, Debts 838w

    New Millennium Experience, Income 248w

    New Millennium Experience, Manpower 89w

    New Millennium Experience, Overtime 251w

Air force

Air misses

Air pollution

Air routes

Air traffic

    Heathrow Airport 7w


Aircraft carriers

Airport tax



Alexander, Mr Douglas


    Arms trade, Export credit guarantees 466-7w

    Child Support Agency, Compensation 302-3w

    Cold weather payments, Paisley 848w

    Developing countries, Debts 682w

    Housing benefit 173-5w

    Housing benefit, Abuse 175-6w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 465w

    Jobseeker's allowance, Paisley 845-6w

    New deal for young people 312w

    New deal for young people, Paisley 150w

    New deal for young people, Telephone services 577w

    New deal schemes, Industrial injuries 312w

Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    Protection of Human Genetic Sequence Bill, 1R (08.03.00) 1007-9


Alma-Dettinger Barracks

Alternative energy

    Dept for Education and Employment 574w

    Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 247w

Alternative medicine

    Primary care trusts 216w

Alyn and Deeside

Amber Valley

    Working families tax credit 853w

Ambulance services

    East Midlands 76w

Amendments and new clauses

    Rulings and statements (08.03.00) 1148

Amess, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Bill, 2R (10.03.00) 1296-307, 1358

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    NHS, Public appointments (01.03.00) 74-7wh


    NHS, Public appointments 218w

    Public appointments 989


Ancillary staff

Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    British Resorts' Association 781w

    Digital broadcasting, Pendle 607-8w

    Digital broadcasting, Worcestershire 608w

    Film, Foreign investment in UK 96-7w

    Millennium Commission 734w

    Millennium Exhibition, Attendance 10-1, 284w

    Millennium Exhibition, Disclosure of information 83-4w

    Millennium Exhibition, Educational visits 87w, 249w

    Millennium Exhibition, Hire services 248w

    Millennium Exhibition, Manpower 249-50w

    Millennium Exhibition, Public transport 285w

    Millennium Exhibition, Repairs and maintenance 88w

    Millennium Exhibition, Sports 84w

    Museum of the Moving Image 733-4w

    National Audit Office 251w

    New Millennium Experience 89-90w

    New Millennium Experience, Debts 838w

    New Millennium Experience, Finance 250w

    New Millennium Experience, Income 248w

    New Millennium Experience, Overtime 251w

    New Millennium Experience, Public appointments 86-7w, 89-90w

    Press, Right of reply 284w

    Telecommunications 101w

    Telecommunications, Regulation 481-2w

Anglican Church

    Prayer book 80w

Anglo-French Nuclear Cooperation Council

    see Franco-British Joint Commission on Nuclear Policy and Doctrine

Animal experiments

Animal welfare


    Disease control 417w


Antisocial behaviour orders

Antitank missiles


    Further education 405w

Appointments Commission

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James


    Members, Correspondence 410w

Areas of outstanding natural beauty

Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Salisbury Plain 327w

    Telephone systems 327w

Armed forces education allowances

Arms to Iraq Inquiry

Arms trade

    Democratic Republic of Congo 502w

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    "Audit Code of Practice" 776w

    Council tax 13w

    Disadvantaged, Young people 853-5

    EC grants and loans 591w

    EC grants and loans, Merseyside 418w

    Local government, Pensions 453-4w

    Local government finance 594w

    Local government services, Cost effectiveness 592w

    Local government services, East Midlands 592w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Yorkshire and Humberside 595w

    Non-domestic rates, Combined heat and power 454-5w

    Non-domestic rates, Small businesses 595w

    Planning, Urban areas 593w

    Public bodies, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 334w

    Regional assemblies 675w

    Regional assemblies, Disadvantaged 851-2

    Regional development agencies 590-2w

    Regional government 861-2

    Rough Sleepers Unit 461w

    Single regeneration budget, North West region 592-3w

    Social Security Administration Act 1992 667w


Army Base Repair Organisation

Army Base Storage and Distribution Agency

Army Personnel Centre

Army Technical Support Agency

Army Training and Recruiting Agency

Art works

Arts Council of England

Arundel bypass

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