Index for Volume 347

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Abbott, Ms Diane

                  Debates etc.

    Child Support Pensions and Social Security Bill, Rep and 3R (03.04.00) 676, 690-3

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Immigration, Administrative delays (29.03.00) 109-14wh

Abolition of Feudal Tenure Bill (SP)



Absent voting

Access funds

Access to work programme

Accident and emergency departments


    Stansted Airport 600w

Acute beds


Administration of justice


Adult education

Advantage West Midlands


    Dept for Education and Employment 40w


    Planning permission 429w

Affordable warmth programme



    see also Farmers

    Petitions (29.03.00) 465-6

Agriculture Select Committee


Ainger, Mr Nick


    Prescription drugs, Prices 202-3

Ainsworth, Mr Peter

                  Debates etc.

    Documents, Points of order (05.04.00) 975


    Arts Council of England, Manpower 153w

    East Surrey Hospital, Nurses 618-9w

    London Film Commission 359w

    National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts 261w

    National Lottery 11-2

    New Millennium Experience, Contracts 358w

    Oxted and Limpsfield Hospital 61w

    Regional arts boards, Manpower 153w

    Sportsgrounds, Belgium 471w

    Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust, Resignations 618w

Air force

    Military bases 29w

Air pollution

Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000

                  Debates etc.

Air routes

Air traffic

    London airports 969


Aircraft carriers


Alcoholic drinks


Alexander, Mr Douglas


    Developing countries, Uruguay Round 185w

All party groups

Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Colombia, Peace negotiations (28.03.00) 4wh



Alternative energy

Alternative medicine

Amber Valley

Ambulance services

Amess, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Bill, Money res (04.04.00) 945

    Zoo Licensing (Amendment) Bill, 1R (29.03.00) 344-6


    Iran, Capital punishment 267-8w

    Primary care groups, Public appointments 128w

    Standard spending assessments, Southend 795

    State retirement pensions, Uprating 624



Ancillary staff

Anderson, Mr Donald


    Kosovo, Overseas aid 582w

Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport

                  Debates etc.

    Wireless Telegraphy (Television Licence Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (28.03.00) 296-301, 303, 306, 308


    Members, Correspondence 67w

    Millennium Exhibition, Attendance 64w

    Millennium Exhibition, Parliamentary questions 358w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tickets 357-8w

    New Millennium Experience, Contracts 358w

    Regulation, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 392w

    Television, Disability aids 1-2

    Tourism, Coastal areas 4-5, 67w

Animal experiments

    Huntingdon Life Sciences 436-7w

    Wickham Research Laboratories 369w

Animal feed

    Genetically modified organisms 325w, 502w

Animal Procedures Committee

Animal products

Animal welfare


    European Communities 157w

Antenatal care


Antisocial behaviour orders

Appeals Service

Appointments Commission

    Public appointments 407w


    Rover Group 74w


Areas of outstanding natural beauty



Armed conflict

    Democratic Republic of Congo 564w

Armed forces

    Financial services 28w

    Higher education 161w

Armed Forces Discipline Bill (HL) 1999/2000

                  Debates etc.

Arms trade

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions


    Council tax, Second homes 808-9

    Local government, Reform 791-3

    Millennium Exhibition, Valuation 320w

    Regional development agencies 412w

    Standard spending assessments 412-3w




Art works

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 392-3w

    Dept of Social Security 531w

    Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 484-5w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 479w

    Lord Chancellor's Dept 472w

    Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 560w

    Ministry of Defence 556w


Arts Council of England

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