Index for Volume 349

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Access to Workers During Recognition and Derecognition Ballots Draft Code of Practice"


    Chinook helicopters 112w

    Foden Thompson Carmichael MWD 13w

Administration of justice

    Young offenders 523w



    Cabinet Office 86w

Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

    Police Foundation 297w

Advisory services


    Planning permission 107w





    see also Farmers

    Diversification 248w

    Information technology 243w

Agriculture development scheme


    Institutional care 177w

Ainger, Mr Nick


    New deal for disabled people 193w

Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    Immigration, Applications 434w

    Millennium Exhibition 487

    Millennium Exhibition, Corporate hospitality 379w

Air ambulance services

    East Midlands 50w

Air conditioning

Air force

Air pollution

    Gas fired power stations 237w

Air routes

    Regional airports 361w

Air traffic

Air traffic control


Airport tax

    Highlands of Scotland 148w


    North East region 223w


Alexander, Mr Douglas


    Carers, Scotland 409w

    Minimum wage 21w

Allan, Mr Richard


    House of Commons, Telephone services 215w

Allen, Mr Graham, Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household

                  Debates etc.

    Finance Bill, Com (03.05.00) 221

Alternative energy

Amess, Mr David

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    NHS, Public appointments 43w

Anderson, Mr Donald

                  Debates etc.

    Sierra Leone (08.05.00) 521-2

    Zimbabwe (03.05.00) 153


    Criminal Records Bureau, Business plans 223w

    KFOR, Costs 14w

Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Tourism, Southend (09.05.00) 191-3wh


    Digital broadcasting 19w

    Digital broadcasting, Social rented housing 211w

    Film, India 484

    Hotels, Inspections 19w

    Millennium Exhibition 486-7

    Millennium Exhibition, Corporate hospitality 379w

    Tourism, Coastal areas 494-5

    Tourism, Sustainable development 483-4

Animal breeding

Animal experiments

    Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 12w

    Disclosure of information 210w

Animal feed

    Genetically modified organisms 49w


Antiaircraft missiles


Antisocial behaviour orders

Appointments Commission


    see Modern apprenticeships

Archer of Weston-Super-Mare, Lord

Armed conflict

Armed forces

Arms trade

    Channel Islands 280w

    Democratic Republic of Congo 138w

    Developing countries 135-6

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions


    Education, Per capita costs 389w

    Regional development agencies 357-8w

    Regional development agencies, Finance 482-3w

    Standard spending assessments 638-9

Army Criminal Legal Aid Authority



    National Lottery 18w

Ashdown, Rt Hon Paddy


    General certificate of secondary education, Standards 395-6w

    Police, Somerset 405w

    Secondary education, Somerset 393-5w

    Waterloo-Exeter railway line 388-9w

Ashford Hospital


Assisted areas

    Disclosure of information 284w

    North East region 237w

Association of British Insurers


    Medical equipment 326w


    see Refugees

Atherton, Ms Candy


    Liquefied petroleum gas 399w


Atkins, Charlotte


    Business questions 1013

    Hazardous materials, Imports 103w

Atkinson, Mr Peter

                  Debates etc.

    Transport Bill, Programme motion and Rep (09.05.00) 782-3, 794, 808-9

    Transport Bill, Rep and 3R (10.05.00) 848-9, 882-3

Atomic Weapons Establishment

Audio equipment

    Metropolitan Police 154w

Austin, Mr John


    Health visitors, Greater London 54w

    Incontinence, Health services 406-7w

    Nurses, Consultants 55w

    Nurses, Older workers 52-3w

    Primary care groups, Public appointments 51-2w

Automated credit transfer

    Social security benefits 276-7w

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