Index for Volume 350

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Abatan, Jay

Abatan, Michael

ABM Treaty

Absent voting

Accident and emergency departments


Administration of justice



    Cosmetic surgery 131w

Advisory services

Advocate General for Scotland

    Ministerial powers 457w



    Foreign relations 142

Agricultural products


    see also Farmers

Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission


Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    Market research, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 582w

    Millennium Exhibition 11w

    Millennium Exhibition, Concessions 327w

    Millennium Exhibition, Income 11w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tourists 327-8w

    New Millennium Experience 11w

Air routes

Air traffic

Air traffic control

Aircraft carriers


Alcoholic drinks

Alexander, Mr Douglas


    Heavily indebted poor countries initiative 316-7w

    Home care services 350w

    Institutional care, Manpower 509w

    Institutional care, Standards 510w

    National Lottery 228w

    Northern Ireland Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Standards 421-2w

    Older workers, Discrimination 449w

    Pensioners, Personal savings 119w

    Working families tax credit, Scotland 184-5w

Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    Electronic Communications Bill, Lords amendts (25.05.00) 1124-7

    Teachers (16.05.00) 218


    House of Commons, Telephone services 452w


    Gedling 4w


Amess, Mr David

                  Debates etc.


    Circuses, Animal welfare 631w

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 957

    National insurance contributions 256w

Amphibious vehicles

Anderson, Mr Donald

                  Debates etc.

    Sierra Leone (15.05.00) 28, (23.05.00) 870-1


Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport

                  Debates etc.

    Royal Parks (Trading) Bill and Television Licences (Disclosure of Information) Bill, Allocation of time motion (22.05.00) 758-60, 799

    Television Licences (Disclosure of Information) Bill, Rep (22.05.00) 823-31, 834


    Broadcasting reception, Wales 77-8w

    Channel Three, Local broadcasting 78w

    Digital broadcasting 125w

    Millennium Exhibition 11w

    Millennium Exhibition, Attendance 11w

    Millennium Exhibition, Concessions 327w

    Millennium Exhibition, Income 11w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tourists 327-8w

    New Millennium Experience 11w

    Religious broadcasting, Licensing 12w

    Transport, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 328w


Animal experiments

    Cost benefit analysis 53w

    Heart diseases 53w

Animal feed

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 554w

Animal products

Animal welfare



    Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother 328

Antiaircraft missiles


Antisocial behaviour orders


Appointments Commission

Arable area payments scheme

Arable farming

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James

                  Debates etc.

    Transport (24.05.00) 1072

Areas of outstanding natural beauty

Armed conflict

Armed forces

Armed Forces Discipline Bill (HL) 1999/2000

                  Debates etc.

    Royal Assent (25.05.00) 1143

Armed Forces (Minimum Age of Recruitment) Bill 1999/2000

                  Debates etc.

Armoured fighting vehicles

Arms trade

    Export credit guarantees 133-4w

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions


    Beacon councils 439w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 92w

    Standard spending assessments 89w

    Standard spending assessments, Rural areas 573w


Army Air Force and Naval Discipline Acts (Continuation) Order 2000

                  Debates etc.

Army Base Repair Organisation

Art works



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