Index for Volume 351

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Abbott, Ms Diane

                  Debates etc.

    Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill, Rep and 3R (12.06.00) 753


    Chinook helicopters 564w


    New Millennium Experience 648w

Acute beds

    Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust 324w

Administration of justice

Adult education

Advantage West Midlands


    Dept for Education and Employment 532w, 586w

Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs


    Compulsorily detained mental patients 229w




Agricultural Wages Board


    Industrial training boards 455-6w

    Waste disposal 58w

Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission


Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    Millennium capital projects 571w

    Millennium Commission 94-5w

    Millennium Exhibition 623-4

    Millennium Exhibition, Corporate hospitality 92w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 93-4w

    Museums and galleries 626

    New Millennium Experience 397-8w

    New Millennium Experience, Accountancy 648w

    New Millennium Experience, Finance 93w, 649w

    New Millennium Experience, Income 572w

    Royal Armouries 571w

    VAT, Listed buildings 572w

Air ambulance services

    North West region 616w

Air force

    Manpower 6w

Air pollution

Air routes

Air traffic

Air traffic control

    Heathrow Airport 556w


Aircraft carriers



Alcoholic drinks


Alexander, Mr Douglas


    Cleaner Vehicles Task Force 201-2w

    Developing countries, Trade barriers 690w

Allan, Mr Richard


    Online computer training initiative 349-50w

    Schools, Finance 257w

Alternative energy

Alternative medicine

Amber Valley

    Vibration white finger 117w

Ambulance services

    Northern Ireland 493w

Amess, Mr David

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Egypt, Christianity (14.06.00) 212-5wh


    Ford Motor Company 695w

    Local government, Elections 284


Anderson, Mr Donald

                  Debates etc.

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    Broadcasting reception, Compensation 396-7w

    Digital broadcasting, Wales 92w

    Film, Disabled 94w

    Millennium Exhibition 571w

    Millennium Exhibition, Attendance 397w

    Millennium Exhibition, Corporate hospitality 92w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 93-4w

    Millennium Exhibition, Sponsorship 495-6w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tickets 397w

    New Millennium Experience 397-8w

    New Millennium Experience, Income 572w

    Tourism, Lancashire 92-3w


    Overseas aid 90w


Animal By-Products Order 1999


Animal experiments

    Disclosure of information 534w

Animal feed

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 37w

Animal housing

Animal products

Animal welfare

Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986



    Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother 443-4w

Antiaircraft missiles

Appointments Commission

    Public appointments 539w

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James

                  Debates etc.

    Genetically modified organisms (08.06.00) 526


    Members, Correspondence 388w

Archer of Weston-super-Mare, Lord

Areas of outstanding natural beauty

    Environment protection 556w

Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Democratic Republic of Congo 703w

    Health services 333w

    Telecommunications 173w

    Training 5w

Armoured fighting vehicles

Arms control

Arms trade

    Developing countries 411w

    Southern Africa 304w

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions


    Advantage West Midlands 790

    Coastal areas, Disadvantaged 775-6

    Community development, Departmental coordination 639w

    Local authorities, Codes of practice 315w

    New deal for communities, Ethnic groups 547w

    Regional planning and development 640w

    Sleeping rough, Ethnic groups 248-9w

    Social Exclusion Unit, Ethnic groups 67-8w

    Teesside Development Corporation, Audit 249w


    Manpower 2w

    Northern Ireland 15w

    Personnel management 447w

Army Training and Recruiting Agency

Arsal, Shaiboob

Art works



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