Index for Volume 352

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Access funds

Access to work programme

Accident and emergency departments

    Crimes of violence 127w



    Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 245w

Acute beds

Adams, Mrs Irene


    Genetics, Scotland 486w

Addresses to the Crown

    Global Cultural Diversity Congress (26.06.00) 639

Administration of justice

    Northern Ireland 222w


Advantage West Midlands


    Cosmetic surgery 127w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 152w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 144w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 162w

    Ministry of Defence 135w

Advertising Standards Authority

Advisory Board on Family Law

    see Family Law Advisory Board

Advisory services

    Electronic commerce 457w





Agricultural products

Agricultural Wages Board


    see also Farmers

    Climate change levy 477w

    Sustainable development 611w

Ainsworth, Mr Peter


    Battle of Britain, Monuments 324w

    Hawksworth Hall 234w

    Historic buildings, Risk assessment 518w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 232w, 374-5w

    New Millennium Experience, Finance 322w

    New Millennium Experience, Legal costs 233-4w

    Public libraries 345w

    Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 92w

    World War II, Shipping 324w

Air ambulance services

Air pollution

Air routes

Air traffic

Airport tax

    European economic area 428w


Alcoholic drinks

Alexander, Mr Douglas


    New deal for lone parents, Paisley 174w

    Shipbuilding, Subsidies 455-6w

    Social security benefits, Post offices 572w

    Working families tax credit, Lone parents 214w

Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    Learning and Skills Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (27.06.00) 791, 797, 814-6


    Education, Per capita costs 45w

    Employment schemes, Cars 544-5w

    Higher education, Finance 43w

    New deal for young people 174w

    New deal schemes 205w

    Pre-school education 283w

Allen, Mr Graham, Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household

                  Debates etc.

    Children (Leaving Care) Bill (HL), 2R (21.06.00) 418

Alternative energy

    Electricity generation 76w

Ambulance services

Amess, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Children (Leaving Care) Bill (HL), 2R (21.06.00) 399-401


    Economic and monetary union 290w

    State retirement pensions 336


Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    BBC, Advertising 323w

    Conference centres, Greater London 619w

    Millennium Exhibition, Tickets 618-9w

    Television, Licensing 323w


Animal breeding

Animal experiments

Animal products

Animal welfare


Antiaircraft missiles


    Armed forces 35w

Antisocial behaviour orders

    Nottinghamshire 339w

Antitank missiles

Appointments Commission

Arable stewardship scheme

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James

                  Debates etc.

    Planning (20.06.00) 257

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Chinook helicopters, Accidents (27.06.00) 165wh

Armed conflict

    Democratic Republic of Congo 446w

Armed forces

    Antidepressants 35w

    Military exercises 132w

    Telecommunications 410w

Arms trade

    Democratic Republic of Congo 446w

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions


    Members, Correspondence 312w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 374-5w

    Regional government 451w

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