Index for Volume 354

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    EC grants and loans 832w






Aarhus Convention

Abbott, Ms Diane

                  Debates etc.

    Football (Disorder) Bill, Allocation of time motion and Rem stages (17.07.00) 178




    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 638w

Access funds

    Higher education 868w

Access to Justice Act 1999


Access to work programme

Accident and emergency departments

    Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 501w

Accident Prevention Task Force


    Fishing vessels 610w


    New Millennium Experience 814-5w

Accounting officers

Acute beds


Administration of justice

    European Convention on Human Rights 537w

Admiralty House

Admissibility of evidence


    Working families tax credit 98w

Advanta Seeds

    Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 252-3w


    Greater London 62w

Advisory bodies

    Dept of Social Security 1067w

    Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 945w, 951-2w

    Lord Chancellor's Dept 872w

Advisory Committee on Business Appointments

    see Business Appointments Advisory Committee

Advisory Council on Public Records

Advisory services

Advocate General for Scotland



    Defence equipment 145w


After school clubs

Age Equality Commission Bill 1999/2000

                  Debates etc.

    2R order read (21.07.00) 733



    see also Farmers

    Economic and monetary union 1221-2

    Environment protection (20.07.00) 113-42wh

    Integrated pollution control 508w

    Pollution control 1224

    Venture capital 107w


Ainsworth, Mr Peter

                  Debates etc.


    FA Premier League 152w

    Football, World Cup 213w

    Independent Football Commission 818w

    King Edward VII Convalescent Home for Servicemen 212-3w, 359w

    Millennium Commission, Finance 1104-5w

    Millennium Exhibition, Legacy 595w

    Millennium Exhibition, Operating costs 1105w

    Millennium Exhibition, Parliamentary questions 647-8w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 358w

    Millennium Exhibition, Quantity surveyors 595-6w

    New Millennium Experience, Accountancy 814w

    New Millennium Experience, Contracts 814w

    New Millennium Experience, Finance 1103-4w

    New Millennium Experience, Loans 213w

    New Millennium Experience, VAT 358-9w

    Regional arts boards, Operating costs 600w

Air force

Air pollution

    Pollution control 943w

Air routes

    Heathrow Airport 592w

Air space

Air traffic

    Heathrow Airport 386w





    Petitions (27.07.00) 1382

Alcoholic drinks


Alexander, Mr Douglas


Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill, Lords amendts (26.07.00) 1183-5

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Transport, Yorkshire and Humberside (26.07.00) 208-10wh


    Internet, Regulation 24-5w

    New deal for disabled people 430w

    New deal for schools 84-6w

    New deal schemes, Finance 304-5w

    Public appointments, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 151-2w

    Public appointments, Dept for Education and Employment 87-8w

    Public appointments, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 8w

    Public appointments, Prime Minister 965w

    Public appointments, Treasury 96-7w

    Radiography, Qualifications 285w

Allen, Mr Graham, Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household

                  Debates etc.

    Finance Bill, Rep and 3R (19.07.00) 486


    Medical treatments 79w

Alliance and Leicester Group Treasury plc (Transfer) Bill (HL) 1999/2000

                  Debates etc.

    2R order read (18.07.00) 199, (25.07.00) 881


AllVoice Computing

Alternative energy

    Dept of Trade and Industry 175-6w

Ambulance services

Amendments and new clauses

Amess, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Local government, Southend (28.07.00) 1412-5

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Incinerators, EC action (19.07.00) 45-50wh


    Abortion, Private sector 222-3w

    Hydrofluorocarbons, Pollution control 922-3w

    Pregnancy, Advisory services 224-6w

Anderson, Mr Donald

                  Debates etc.

    Speaker, Retirement (26.07.00) 1130


    Africa, Foreign relations 215

    Antarctic, Environment protection 824-5w

    Transport, Wales 684w

Anderson, Janet, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    BBC, Independent producers 597w

    Football, Wales 358w

    Independent Television News 1110w

    Millennium Commission, Finance 1104-5w

    Millennium Exhibition, Attendance 1104w

    Millennium Exhibition, Children 595w

    Millennium Exhibition, Consultants 1105w

    Millennium Exhibition, Legacy 595w

    Millennium Exhibition, Operating costs 1105-6w

    Millennium Exhibition, Parliamentary questions 647-8w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 358w

    Millennium Exhibition, Quantity surveyors 595-6w

    Millennium Exhibition, Retail trade 815w

    Millennium Exhibition, Sales 1106w

    Millennium Exhibition, Wales 595w

    New Millennium Experience, Accountancy 814-5w

    New Millennium Experience, Contracts 814w

    New Millennium Experience, Disclosure of information 815w

    New Millennium Experience, Fireworks 596w

    New Millennium Experience, Loans 213w

    New Millennium Experience, VAT 358-9w

    Regional cultural consortiums, Yorkshire and Humberside 214w

    Telecommunications 596w

    Telecommunications, Regulation 1111w

    Television, Disability aids 1110w


    Gas fired power stations 726-7w


Animal experiments

    Disclosure of information 162-3w

Animal feed

    Genetically modified organisms 1133w

Animal Procedures Committee

Animal welfare

    Cost benefit analysis 1139w

    Livestock (17.07.00) 32

    Sheep (17.07.00) 32

Animal Welfare Ministerial Group

Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986



    Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother 1w, (19.07.00) 375, 920w, (26.07.00) 1093



Antiaircraft missiles


Antisocial behaviour orders

Antitank missiles

Apache AH-64 helicopter

Appointments Commission

    Ethnic groups 24w

Arable area payments scheme

Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James


    Members, Correspondence 825w

Arens, Moshe

Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Falkland Islands 105w

    Riot control weapons 679w

Armed Forces (Minimum Age of Recruitment) Bill 1999/2000

                  Debates etc.

    2R order read (21.07.00) 731

Arms trade

Armstrong, Rt Hon Hilary, Minister of State for Local Government and Housing, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions

                  Debates etc.

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Economic situation, Kent (19.07.00) 92-4wh


    Council tax capping 949w

    Local government, Consultation papers 358w

    Local Government Procurement Task Force 780w

    Members, Correspondence 609w

    Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 787-8w

    National Centre for Neighbourhood Renewal 395-6w

    Neighbourhood Renewal Fund 394-6w


    Northern Ireland 14w

Army Personnel Centre

Army Training and Recruiting Agency

Art works

Artificial insemination


    Ministerial statements (25.07.00) 901-13

Arts Council of England


Ashdown, Paddy


    Pensioners, Income support 879w

    Pre-school education, Somerset 1057w

Ashford Prison

Ashton, Mr Joe

                  Debates etc.

    Football (Disorder) Bill, Allocation of time motion and Rem stages (17.07.00) 38

Assisted areas

Association of Chief Police Officers

Assured tenancies

Asteroid Task Force

    see Near Earth Objects Task Force


Astra Holdings


    see Refugees

Atherton, Ms Candy


    Fertility, Medical treatments 616w

    Immobilisation of vehicles 955-6w

    Regional development agencies, Annual reports 775w


Atkinson, Mr David


    Long-Term Care Royal Commission 76w

Atkinson, Mr Peter


    Recess, Scotland Office 876w

    Tourism, Scotland 535w

Attendance allowance

    Institutional care 41w

Attorney General

    Public appointments 443w

Austin, Mr John

                  Debates etc.

    Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure (20.07.00) 644

    Health centres, Petitions (20.07.00) 646

    Learning and Skills Bill (HL), Lords amendts (25.07.00) 1074

    Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Bill, Rep and 3R (21.07.00) 664, 703-4


    Accident Prevention Task Force 753w

    Incontinence, Females 997w


AWE Aldermaston

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