Select Committee on Public Accounts Tenth Report


New Non-Departmental Public Body Audits for the C&AG since May 1997

Name Advantage West Midlands
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name Commission for Health Improvement
Statute Title Health Act
Sponsoring Department Department of Health
Statute date 1999

Name Competition Commission
Statute Title Competition Act
Sponsoring Department Department of Trade and Industry
Statute date 1998

Name Disability Rights Commission
Statute Title Disability Rights Commission Act
Sponsoring Department Department of Social Security
Statute date 1999

Name East Midlands Development Agency
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name East of England Development Agency
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name General Teaching Council
Statute Title Teaching And Higher Education Act
Sponsoring Department Department for Education and Employment
Statute date 1998

Name Legal Services Commission
Statute Title Access to Justice Act
Sponsoring Department Lord Chancellor's Department
Statute date 1999

Name National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
Statute Title National Lottery Act
Sponsoring Department Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Statute date 1998

Name National Lottery Commission
Statute Title National Lottery Act
Sponsoring Department Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Statute date 1998

Name New Opportunities Fund
Statute Title National Lottery Act
Sponsoring Department Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Statute date 1998

Name North West Regional Development Agency
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman
Statute Title Police (Northern Ireland) Act
Sponsoring Department Northern Ireland Office
Statute date 1998

Name One North East
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name Parades Commission
Statute Title Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act
Sponsoring Department Northern Ireland Office
Statute date 1998

Name South East England Development Agency
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name South West of England Development Agency
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name Yorkshire Forward
Statute Title Regional Development Agencies Act
Sponsoring Department Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Statute date 1998

Name Youth Justice Board
Statute Title Crime and Disorder Act
Sponsoring Department Home Office
Statute date 1998

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