Table 2: AMS - Estimates of EU 15 Aggregate
Measure of Support: with Agenda 2000
| Overview: If 'blue box' direct payments continue to be excluded from the AMS calculation the EU is expected to remain broadly within 50-60% of the Uruguay Round domestic support ceiling over the forecast period. However, including these direct aids is estimated to push the EU to more than 90% (within roughly 5 billion euro) of the AMS ceiling.
| 19951
| 19961 |
1997 | 1998
| 1999 | 2000
| 2001 | 2002
| 2003 | 2004
| 2005 | 2006
| 2007 | 2008
| 2009 | 2010
Total price support
| 33,716 | 35,221
| 35,027 | 34,149
| 34,060 | 30,682
| 27,514 | 25,729
| 25,659 | 25,559
| 25,015 | 24,522
| 24,032 | 23,953
| 23,888 | 23,820
- wheat
| 2,593 | 2,972
| 2,841 | 3,019
| 3,024 | 2,186
| 1,367 | 1,392
| 1,417 | 1,441
| 1,466 | 1,491
| 1,516 | 1,541
| 1,566 | 1,591
- coarse grains
| 3,528 | 4,202
| 4,372 | 4,087
| 4,042 | 3,136
| 2,280 | 2,304
| 2,329 | 2,353
| 2,377 | 2,401
| 2,426 | 2,450
| 2,474 | 2,499
- rice(a)
| 507 | 527
| 527 | 478
| 430 | 430
| 430 | 430
| 430 | 430
| 430 | 430
| 430 | 430
| 430 | 430
- white sugar(b)
| 5,754 | 5,439
| 5.417 | 5,290
| 5,298 | 5,312
| 5,320 | 5,333
| 5,342 | 5,355
| 5,364 | 5,377
| 5,386 | 5,399
| 5,408 | 5,421
| 1,782 | 1,727
| 1,680 | 1,723
| 1,714 | 1,759
| 1,822 | 1,794
| 1,734 | 1,672
| 1,477 | 1,287
| 1,113 | 1,058
| 1,006 | 954
- butter
| 4,210 | 4,371
| 4,334 | 4,362
| 4,357 | 4,402
| 4,464 | 4,436
| 4,380 | 4,323
| 3,968 | 3,628
| 3,292 | 3,251
| 3,208 | 3,164
- beef
| 13,962 | 14,080
| 13,953 | 13,288
| 13,291 | 11,554
| 9,928 | 8,138
| 8,125 | 8,081
| 8,029 | 8,005
| 7,966 | 7,923
| 7,893 | 7,859
- olive oil(c)
| 1,380 | 1,903
| 1,903 | 1,903
| 1,903 | 1,903
| 1,903 | 1,903
| 1,903 | 1,903
| 1,903 | 1,903
| 1,903 | 1,903
| 1,903 | 1,903
Other AMS support(d) (e)
| 13,811 | 12,924
| 12,037 | 11,150
| 10,264 | 9,377
| 9,377 | 9,377
| 9,377 | 9,377
| 9,377 | 9,377
| 9,377 | 9,377
| 9,377 | 9,377
Total AMS |
47,527 | 48,145
| 47,064 | 45,300
| 44,324 | 40,059
| 36,891 | 35,106
| 35,036 | 34,936
| 34,392 | 33,899
| 33,409 | 33,330
| 33,265 | 33,197
GATT ceiling | 78,672
| 76.370 | 74.067
| 71.764 | 69.462
| 67,159 | 67,159
| 67,159 | 67,159
| 67,159 | 67,159
| 67,159 | 67,159
| 67,159 | 67,159
| 67,159 |
Headroom | 31,145
| 28,225 | 27,003
| 26,464 | 25,138
| 27,100 | 30,268
| 32,053 | 32,123
| 32,223 | 32,767
| 33,260 | 33,750
| 33,829 | 33,894
| 33,962 |
'Blue box' payments
| 20.846 | 22,545
| 21,372 | 21,475
| 21,750 | 23,217
| 25,576 | 26,913
| 26,911 | 26,908
| 27,876 | 28,863
| 29,839 | 29,837
| 29,835 | 29,833
Illustrative headroom with
'blue box' payments'
blue box' payments
| 10,300 | 5,680
| 5,631 | 4,989
| 3,388 | 3,883
| 4,692 | 5,140
| 5,212 | 5,315
| 4,891 | 4,397
| 3,911 | 3,992
| 4,059 | 4,129
1. | The Commission has recently submitted revised total AMS estimates for 1995 and 1996 of 50 and 51 billion euro respectively.
(a) | 15% reduction in the rice intervention price takes place independently of Agenda 2000.
(b) | No reductions in sugar quotas are assumed to take place. Export commitments are likely to necessitate quota cuts to prevent intervention stock accumulation.
(c) | The olive oil regime is assumed to be unchanged from 1998/99.
(d) | Comprises Equivalent Measures of Support (85%) and other precut specific AMS (15%). Equivalent commitments cover budgetary outlays on horticulture, viticulture and some textile regimes. Falls from 1995 to 2000 due to reform of the fruit and vegetables regime, and assumed constant thereafter.
(e) | The baseline included an AMS of around 1.2 becu per year for Sheepmeat, but this was not included in the Commission's AMS estimate and is therefore excluded from this total.
MAFF, Ev. p. 79.