Select Committee on Agriculture Sixth Report


amber box: domestic support arrangements in agriculture linked to production support which have to be reduced under the URAA (q.v.). The criteria for 'amber box' status are set out in Annex 2 of the Agreement.

AMS: Aggregate Measure of Support: total of each member's amber box measures which must be reduced by 20% by 2000.

Article XX: provision of the URAA (q.v).

blue box: domestic support arrangements based on acreage and headage which limit production, as defined in Article 6(5)(a) of the Agreement. Blue box measures are not subject to the provisions on reducing support.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: GATT: institution with responsibility for overseeing international negotiations promoting the liberalisation of global trade. GATT was dissolved in 1992 and replaced by the WTO (q.v.), which was itself established under GATT's provisions.

green box: domestic support arrangements in agriculture having no significant effect on levels of commodity consumption, production and trade, exempt from the provisions on reducing support. The criteria for 'green box' status are set out in Annex 2, paragraph 6 of the URAA.

precautionary principle: originating in environmental agreements but now extended to food safety and animal and plant health under the SPS agreement (q.v.) and to trade in GMOs under the Montreal Protocol, the precautionary principle states that lack of scientific evidence should not prevent governments from taking precautions to protect public health and the environment. See the Communication from the European Commission on the precautionary principle (COM (2000)1) for further details and references.

SPS Agreement: Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. WTO agreement which sets out rules on food safety and animal and plant health standards in relation to trade.

TBT Agreement: Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. WTO agreement which sets out rules to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade.

URA: Uruguay Round Agreement. General trade agreement reached in 1994 which led to the establishment of the WTO.

URAA: Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (also known as the AoA - Agreement on Agriculture). The part of the URA relating to agriculture, it committed members to a six-year (ten years for developing countries) programme for cutting subsidies and protection for agriculture. Article XX provides for further liberalisation talks at the end of the programme, the so-called 'built-in agenda'.

World Trade Organisation: WTO: institution with a variety of responsibilities, including the enforcement of agreements seeking to reduce domestic barriers to global trade negotiated under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

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