Select Committee on Agriculture Tenth Report


1. Memorandum by Harrison and Hetherington Limited (E1)
2. Memorandum by Mr Andrew Parsons (E2)
3. Memorandum by the National Farmers' Union, Braintree, Great Yeldham and Halstead Branch (E3)
4. Memorandum by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (E4)
5. Memorandum by the National Sheep Association (E5)
6. Memorandum by Cumbria Inward Investment Agency (E6)
7. Memorandum by the Chairman, The Family Farmers' Association (E7)
8. Memorandum by English Nature (E10)
9. Memorandum by Holstein UK and Ireland (E11)
10. Memorandum by Mr GL Armstrong (E13)
11. Memorandum by Business Link Cumbria (E14)
12. Memorandum by Wessex Regional Service Centre (E16)
13. Memorandum by Northern Regional Service Centre (E17)
14. Memorandum by Anglia Regional Service Centre (E18)
15. Memorandum by North Mercia Regional Service Centre (E19)
16. Memorandum by South West Regional Service Centre (E20)
17. Memorandum by North East Regional Service Centre (E21)
18. Memorandum by East Midlands Regional Service Centre (E22)
19. Memorandum by South East Regional Service Centre (E23)
20. Memorandum by South Mercia Regional Service Centre (E24)
21. Memorandum by the Council for the Protection of Rural England (E26)
22. Memorandum by the Intervention Board (E27)
23. Supplementary memorandum by North East Regional Service Centre (E28)

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