Select Committee on Agriculture Minutes of Evidence

Letter to Patrick Holden, Soil Association, from the Managing Director, Congelow Produce Ltd

  I feel that it is time to put a few of my thoughts down on paper to you and hopefully you can give me some suitable answers.

  As you are probably aware, we at Congelow are very concerned with the amount of mixed packhouses which seem to be operating at the moment, bearing in mind the enormous pressure on our industry to maintain over integrity. Our fears are I think justified somewhat as during a recent visit, one of your inspectors casually said in conversation that he had recently inspected a dual packhouse and whilst inspecting the paperwork, came upon an internal memo which read something to the effect that once the Soil Association Inspector was gone to carry on as normal! What is the Soil Association doing to guarantee that this does not happen?

  Is the deregation period for mixed packhouses being followed up? Again, I have recently heard of one company who is an importer, who has been using one third party packer (mixed packhouse) and have now switched to another third party packer (also a mixed packhouse). As totally organic packhouse we are obviously biased but we feel very strongly about maintaining the integrity of organics.

  Can you also ensure that we keep the confidentiality of the various operations of your licensees as I was very worried over one of the questions that was asked at your recent equivalence meeting, whether, if a commodity was short could they find a source by phoning the Soil Association and was given a positive answer. Surely this infringes on our confidentiality as we certainly would not like our suppliers who have taken many years to establish as a supply base to be given out willy-nilly to all and sundry.

  Lastly I would like to end on a positive note, in saying that in recent months there appears to be a lot of good vibes coming from your offices, keep up the good work.

24 November 1999

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