Select Committee on Agriculture Minutes of Evidence

Letter to Simon Brenman, Soil Association, from the Managing Director, Congelow Produce Ltd


  As a "next step" on from all the telephone conversations we have had on the subject I thought I had better air my concerns, about the future of organic integrity, in writing.

  As I am sure you are well aware, we, along with a few other companies, have been packing and trading organic produce for many years. During this time we have seen the market rise and fall. More recently we have been more optimistic that the rising market could be a significant trend as opposed to a fashion blip.

  I fully understand that there needs to be more than one or two packing companies fulfilling the customer's demands. However it would appear that the (Super)markets, smoke signals are attracting the "cowboys" into this business.

  My concerns relate to the organic integrity of a product within a packhouse that is packing the same product both organically and conventionally.

What procedures does the Soil Association have in place to realistically assess packhouse integrity?

  I do not wish to appear to be questioning the management of these other packers, they are my colleagues, or even to necessarily suggest that there is deliberate cheating going on. However I have been in the packing industry nearly all of my working life and fully realise how easily mistakes are made, especially when customers are demanding produce, and the less well-trained "stand-in" crew is operating.

  Organic food has been the darling of the media for more than a few months now; it would be a shame to see all that good work shot down. We all know how the media like to operate, destroying that which they feel they have created. All the organic produce industry needs is a scandal in a packhouse with undercover reporters on site and we will all be affected.

  I consider this to be the most important issue facing us all at the present. I trust that this letter has voiced at least a small proportion of my concerns and hope that the relevant committees at the Soil Association will be discussing integrity in the near future.

20 September 1999

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