Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum submitted by the Shoshone and Bannock Indian Tribes of Idaho

  Mr Speaker and Honorable Members of the House of Commons:

  The Shoshone and Bannock Indian Tribes of Idaho in the United States of America respectfully request the repatriation of our ancestor located in a British Museum in your country. The ancestor that we speak of is known to be a single cranium, Catalogue #873 that was transported to your country around the year 1867.

  We respectfully request the return of our ancestor so that we could prepare him/her for proper burial in our native country. We strongly believe that every human must be reburied and in this instance that our ancestor must be reburied in his/her native lands. Therefore it is imperative that we respectfully request the return of this individual's remains from your country so that we could reinter this individual according to our customs, beliefs and traditions.

  We await a response. We also support the efforts of all the other Native American Indian Tribes who are requesting the return of their ancestors. Should there by any questions, please contact our Tribes at (208) 478-3802 or at our mailing address, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Mr Claudeo Broncho, Vice Chairman, Fort Hall Business Council, PO Box 306, Fort Hall, Idaho, USA 83203.

March 2000

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