98. In launching its new approach to dealing with
Gulf veterans' illnesses in 1997, the government said that it
has 'a debt of honour' to those who have served in the Armed Forces.[224]
We agree. We believe that the government has gone a considerable
way towards meeting that debt in its efforts to research possible
exposures which may have led to veterans suffering ill health
and in putting the findings in the public domain. However, it
may be necessary now to accept that precise causes may never be
found and to focus attention instead on improving the current
circumstances of ill Gulf veterans.
99. The government's record has been far less
impressive in respect of improving the quality of life of ill
veterans. We wish to see a great deal more progress in terms of
ensuring Gulf veterans have access to adequate financial provision
and to appropriate medical treatments and advice. Urgent action
from the government is required in both these areas if it is to
fulfil the debt of honour which it has acknowledged.
100. Research must continue into possible causes
of Gulf veterans' illnesses. However nine years on from the Gulf
War, the highest priority now is to try to deal with the symptoms
of ill health which veterans suffer by providing care and treatment
which will improve their quality of life. It may not be possible
at present to cure such illnesses, but maximum efforts should
be made to identify treatments which will reduce their effects.
We recommend that the MoD follow the US example in this regard
and work with the Department of Health to establish trial treatments
which may be of benefit to veterans. The MoD should actively encourage
participation by veterans and their representative organisations
in such trials.
101. Our interest in Gulf veterans' illnesses is
ongoing. When we receive the government's response to this report,
we intend to invite the Minister for the Armed Forces to appear
before us in an oral evidence session.
224 Gulf Veterans' Illnesses: A New Beginning, op cit,
para 2; see also First Special Report, Session 1997-98, op
cit, Annex 6, para 2 and Minutes of Evidence, 29 July 1997,
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