Select Committee on Defence Seventh Report


ABRSAttributable Benefits for Reservists Scheme
AFPSArmed Forces Pension Scheme
BWBiological warfare
CBDChemical and Biological Defence sector of the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
CBWChemical and biological warfare/weapons
CIAUS Central Intelligence Agency
COTCommittee on Toxicity
CWChemical warfare
DERADefence Evaluation and Research Agency
DODUnited States Department of Defense
DoHDepartment of Health
DSSDepartment of Social Security
DUDepleted uranium
FFTFact finding team on the implementation of the immunisation programme against biological warfare agents for UK Forces during the Gulf conflict
GAOUnited States General Accounting Office
GPGeneral Practitioner
IOMInstitute of Occupational Medicine
IRFNAInhibited red fuming nitric acid
MAPGulf Veterans' Medical Assessment Programme
MoDMinistry of Defence
NAPSNerve Agent Pre-treatment Sets
NBCNuclear, biological and chemical
NHSNational Health Service
NIBSCNational Institute for Biological Standards and Control
NGVFANational Gulf Veterans and Families Association
OPPITOrganophosphate Pesticide Investigation Team
PTSDPost Traumatic Stress Disorder
UNSCOMUnited National Special Commission on Iraq
VAUnited States Department of Veterans' Affairs
WDPWar Disablement Pension
WPAWar Pensions Agency

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