ABRS | Attributable Benefits for Reservists Scheme
AFPS | Armed Forces Pension Scheme
BW | Biological warfare
CBD | Chemical and Biological Defence sector of the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
CBW | Chemical and biological warfare/weapons
CIA | US Central Intelligence Agency
COT | Committee on Toxicity
CW | Chemical warfare
DERA | Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
DOD | United States Department of Defense
DoH | Department of Health
DSS | Department of Social Security
DU | Depleted uranium
FFT | Fact finding team on the implementation of the immunisation programme against biological warfare agents for UK Forces during the Gulf conflict
GAO | United States General Accounting Office
GP | General Practitioner
IOM | Institute of Occupational Medicine
IRFNA | Inhibited red fuming nitric acid
MAP | Gulf Veterans' Medical Assessment Programme
MoD | Ministry of Defence
NAPS | Nerve Agent Pre-treatment Sets
NBC | Nuclear, biological and chemical
NHS | National Health Service
NIBSC | National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
NGVFA | National Gulf Veterans and Families Association
OPs | Organophosphates
OPPIT | Organophosphate Pesticide Investigation Team
PTSD | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
UNSCOM | United National Special Commission on Iraq
VA | United States Department of Veterans' Affairs
WDP | War Disablement Pension
WPA | War Pensions Agency