Select Committee on Defence Seventh Report


Extract from Gulf Veterans' Illnesses: A New Beginning, MoD, July 1997


Openness and Dialogue

1. The new Government pledges that its dealings with Gulf veterans will be open and honest. We will listen carefully to what they have to say and engage in a dialogue. Ministers have already held two meetings with representatives of the main Gulf veterans groups. [Paragraph 5]

2. The Gulf Veterans' Illnesses Unit (GVIU) has been established as the MoD focal point for this issue: GVIU helpline number 0171-218-4462. [Paragraph 7]

Medical Help

3. New guidance will be issued to Service units and to doctors to ensure that veterans are able to take advantage of the MoD's Medical Assessment Programme (MAP). [Paragraph 9]

4. We have established new targets for the handling of all new patients referred to the MAP. They will be sent an appointment letter within 5 working days; and as far as possible the date of the appointment offered shall be within 6 weeks of the patient's referral. [Paragraph 12]

5. Additional resources are being provided for the MAP to assist with the coding and updating of the programme's database, with a view to publishing detailed results in late 1997. [Paragraph 16]

6. We will undertake a full audit in the coming year, focusing on all aspects of patient care and on the service provided, to ensure that the MAP continues to adhere to best practice. [Paragraph 17]

7. We will work with the Department of Health to look into the practical problems which some ill veterans face in obtaining appropriate support or treatment after they have left the Services. [Paragraph 19]



8. We will continue to fund the two epidemiological studies which are intended to establish whether Gulf veterans are suffering unusual ill-health. [Paragraph 27]

New MoD research into medical countermeasures

9. The new Government will fund a research programme into the possible health effects of the combination of vaccines and tablets which were given to troops in the Gulf to protect them against the threat of biological and chemical warfare. The total estimated cost of this new research programme is some £2.25 million. The allocation of these additional funds, together with the other measures already taken by the Government since coming into office, means that we have now doubled the resources currently committed to the investigation of Gulf War illness. [Paragraphs 34 & 40]

10. An independent panel of scientific experts will be appointed to oversee this new research and it will include a member nominated by the Gulf veterans. [Paragraph 39]

11. The new research into medical countermeasures will include tests specifically aimed at assessing the short and long term effects of the simultaneous use of pertussis and anthrax vaccines. [Paragraph 52]

Other research

12. The Government encourages those with interest in this subject to submit proposals for further research work to the MRC for consideration. [Paragraph 42]

13. We are cooperating closely with the US authorities to ensure that the UK has full visibility of US research into Gulf health issues. [Paragraph 44]

Organophosphate pesticides

14. Research is already underway to try to determine the effects of low level exposure to OP pesticides in the context of ill-health claimed by some farm workers. This will be an important step towards understanding the possible effects of potential exposures during the Gulf War. [Paragraph 23]

15. The Scout tents about which health concerns were raised last month are being tested and the results will be made public as soon as these are available. [Paragraph 25]

Provision of Information

16. The Government intends that veterans should have access to whatever information the MoD possesses which might be relevant to their illnesses and is determined that what can be found will be made public. [Paragraphs 45 & 47]

17. We have already started work to prepare a full explanation of the scientific basis on which the various medical countermeasures were used. It will include any reservations expressed at the time and will be published as soon as it has been completed. [Paragraph 51]

18. We are also establishing a fact finding team to look into the implementation of the anti-BW vaccination programme during the Gulf War. [Paragraph 53]

19. We are also in the final stages of research into reports of dead animals during the Gulf War. This work will be published when it is complete. [Paragraph 61]

Financial Provision

20. The Government believes that no-fault compensation for service personnel disabled as a result of their service must continue to be provided under the War Pensions Scheme (WPS), under which payments with a considerable capitalised value may be made. In addition, Service personnel have the same right claim legal compensation from the MoD as any other employee has against his or her civilian employer. All such claims will be dealt with on the basis of legal liability. If such liability is established by future research or investigation, the MOD will of course pay compensation. [Paragraphs 66, 69, 71-73]

14 July 1997

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