| Page
Ministry of Defence |
1 |
The Gulf Veterans' Association
| 25 |
Professor Malcolm Hooper, Scientific Advisor to the Gulf Veterans' Association
| 28 |
Ministry of Defence: Current activity relating to Gulf Veterans' Illnesses, December 1999
| 87 |
Ashworth Tetlow & Co., Solicitors
| 92 |
Supplementary evidence submitted by the Ministry of Defence
| 96 |
Replies from the MoD to written questions following the Oral Evidence Session of 28 April 1999
| 100 |
Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from the Chief Executive, War Pensions Agency
| 102 |
Lt Gen Sir Peter Beale, former Surgeon General
| 109 |
Army Benevolent Fund |
110 |
Further memorandum submitted by Professor Malcolm Hooper, Scientific Adviser to the Gulf Veterans' Association
| 111 |