Select Committee on Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade And Industry Third, Second, Third, Fourth Report


Submitted by
1.Correspondence between the Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Chairman of the Committee 18
2.Foreign and Commonwealth Office 18
3.Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Department of Trade and Industry 21
4.Export Credits Guarantee Department 22
5.Department for International Development, Department of Trade and Industry, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence 24
6.British American Security Information Council: US prior notification 25
7.Dr Neil Cooper, Department of Politics, University of Plymouth 33
8.Campaign Against Arms Trade 46
9.The Indonesia Human Rights Campaign (TAPOL) 48
10.Saferworld: Swedish prior scrutiny 53
11.United Kingdom Working Group on Arms 56
12.Defence Manufacturers Association 59
13.Western Sahara Campaign 73
14.Letter from the Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Harry Cohen, MP on Embargoes 74
15.Note from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to the Committees on Arms Sales to Pakistan 74
16.Letter from the Parliamentary Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office to the Committee 75
17.Department of Trade and Industry, Further information on certain licensing decisions detailed in the Government's Second Report on Strategic Export Controls 75

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Prepared 11 February 2000