78. A further organisation whose activities
which could usefully be reflected in the Annual Report is the
Defence Export Sales Organisation (DESO) of the Ministry of Defence.
DESO produces no annual report to Parliament, except in respect
of the Disposal Sales Agency which lies within it. The Defence
Committee examined DESO's role in its Second Report of 1998-99,[151]
in the context of reviewing the appointment of its new head. The
Committee's Report reviewed DESO's involvement not only in supporting
defence sales overseas but also the lead it takes within the MoD
in the export licensing and pre-licensing processes. The Defence
and Trade and Industry Committees' joint inquiry had earlier identified
mixed views in industry about the efficacy of those procedures.[152]
The Annual Report offers a logical way for DESO to be made in
some way accountable for its activities, within the national policy
context of defence sales. We recommend that the Annual Report
include a report of the activities over the year under review
of the Defence Export Sales Organisation.
Defence industry
79. The defence industry is not only a vital
part of the UK's industrial base, supporting some 355,000 jobs;
the net balance of payments for defence equipment is estimated
at over £1 billion.[153]
Despite an intensely competitive international market following
the end of the Cold War, the UK retains a quarter of the world
trade in this sector. The MoD also reckon that the effect of spreading
overheads over a larger number of unit sales means an annual saving
of £350 million to its procurement budget.[154]
It is clear that the UK has a legitimate interest in maintaining
a healthy domestic defence manufacturing sector as part of its
overall security and industrial policy. It also has an interest
in ensuring that its Armed Forces are not confronted by rogue
forces in possession of UK-manufactured weapons. It has a compelling
interest in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
or their components and precursors. Transparency about arms
exports is therefore an important element of our overall aim of
securing a safer world. At the same time, however, it should be
noted that none of our European competitors have achieved the
UK's current level of transparency. There must be limits to the
extent to which it can be expected that the UK should go in disclosing
information about arms exports when others show little or no sign
of following suit. It is important that we do not damage the competitive
position of UK defence exporters in world markets. We do not think
that our proposals for greater transparency need do so.
122 HC 540, p 67 & p 65 Back
123 Q
89 Back
124 Q
40 Back
125 Qq
74, 87 Back
126 Q
89 Back
127 HC
540, pp 48-49 Back
128 HC
540, pp 75-80 for corrected pages and explanation; see also CAAT,
17 for critique Back
129 Eg
Ev, p 48, para 17 Back
130 HC
Deb, 30 October 1997, cols 870-871 w Back
131 HC
540, p 69; Ev, p 75 Back
132 HC
540, Ev, pp 74 and 76: see also Ev, p 82 for similar error in
1998 Back
133 Ev,
p 84 Back
134 HC
540, Ev, p 9, para 6.1; also p 8, 5.2 Back
135 Ibid,
p 49, 2.8 Back
136 Ibid,
p 27, 2.1; also p2, 1.3 Back
137 Ibid,
p 68 Back
138 Ev,
p 67 Back
139 Ev,
pp 62-3 Back
140 Ev,
p 63 Back
141 HC
540, Ev, p 50, 2.11-2.12 Back
142 Q
50 and footnote Back
143 Ev,
p 63 Back
144 Ibid,
p 50-51; Q14 Back
145 Eg
HC Deb, 24 Nov 1999, col 149w on ML1 licences in respect of Bahrain,
described as "for private/recreational use by the ruling
family or for national defence by the Bahrain Defence Force who
are not involved in internal security", subsequently corrected
to add " or for the training unit of the Bahrain National
Guard", HC Deb, 31 Jan 2000, col 462w. Back
146 Q
26:HC 540, Ev, p 15 etc Back
147 1998
Report, p 132; see HC 540, Ev, p52, para 2.18 Back
148 HC
52 of session 1999-2000, paras 49-51 on defence Back
149 The
full list was published in HL Debs, 25 January 2000, col WA 182 Back
150 Ev,
p 23 Back
151 HC
147 Back
152 HC
675, para 58 Back
153 UK
Defence Statistics 1999,
Table 1.15 Back
154 MOD
Performance Report, 1997-98, Cm 4170, para 602 Back