Select Committee on Defence Eighth Report

Extracts from WEU Council of Ministers' Petersberg Declaration

Bonn, 19 June 1992

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Ministers stressed the fundamental importance of the Treaty on European Union and they looked forward to the further elaboration of the common foreign and security policy at the Lisbon European Council. They discussed the progress made in developing the role of WEU as the defence component of the European Union and as the means to strengthen the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance in accordance with the Declaration adopted by WEU member States at the Maastricht European Council in December 1991.

Ministers reaffirmed the importance for WEU to develop close working relations with the European Union and Atlantic Alliance in accordance with the Maastricht Declaration of WEU. They adopted a report on the practical measures necessary for WEU to develop these relations. They asked the Permanent Council to propose to the Council of the Twelve and to the North Atlantic Council concrete measures aimed at facilitating the development of close cooperation between the respective Secretariats.

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WEU Ministers welcomed the decision of Eurogroup Defence Ministers at their meeting in Brussels on 25 May 1992 to consider the possibility, among other options, and if the necessary preconditions are met, of transferring to WEU some or all of Eurogroup's present functions for which there is still a need.

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On strengthening the WEU's operational role—

In accordance with the decision contained in the Declaration of the member States of WEU at Maastricht on 10 December 1991 to develop WEU as the defence component of the European Union and as the means to strengthen the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance, WEU member States have been examining and defining appropriate missions, structures and means covering, in particular, a WEU planning cell and military units answerable to WEU, in order to strengthen WEU's operational role.

WEU member States declare that they are prepared to make available military units from the whole spectrum of their conventional armed forces for military tasks conducted under the authority of WEU.

Decisions to use military units answerable to WEU will be taken by the WEU Council in accordance with the provisions of the UN Charter. Participation in specific operations will remain a sovereign decision of member States in accordance with national constitutions.

Apart from contributing to the common defence in accordance with Article 5 of the Washington Treaty and Article V of the modified Brussels Treaty respectively, military units of WEU member States, acting under the authority of WEU, could be employed for:

  • humanitarian and rescue tasks;
  • peacekeeping tasks;
  • tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking.

The planning and execution of these tasks will be fully compatible with the military dispositions necessary to ensure the collective defence of all Allies.

Military units will be drawn from the forces of WEU member States, including forces with NATO missions - in this case after consultation with NATO - and will be organized on a multinational and multi-service basis.

All WEU member States will soon designate which of their military units and headquarters they would be willing to make available to WEU for its various possible tasks. Where multinational formations drawn from the forces of WEU nations already exist or are planned, these units could be made available for use under the authority of WEU, with agreement of all participating nations.

WEU member States intend to develop and exercise the appropriate capabilities to enable the deployment of WEU military units by land, sea or air to accomplish these tasks.

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In their Maastricht Declaration of 10 December 1991, the member States of WEU proposed that States which are members of the European Union be invited to accede to WEU on conditions to be agreed in accordance with Article XI of the modified Brussels Treaty, or to become observers if they so wished. Simultaneously, other European member States of NATO were invited to become associate members of WEU in a way which would give them a possibility of participating fully in the activities of WEU.

In accordance with Part III of the Petersberg Declaration, Ministers agreed that the following points should be made in extending the invitation to the countries interested in becoming members, observers or associate members:


Member States of the European Union which have accepted the invitation to accede to WEU undertake

  • to respect, in accordance with the principles and values adhered to by all WEU member States, the Brussels Treaty of 1948, modified on 23 October 1954, its Protocols and associated texts, and the agreements concluded among the member States pursuant to the Treaty,
  • to note with approval the agreements, decisions and rules adopted in conformity with the Treaty, and the Declarations starting with the Rome Declaration of 27 October 1984,
  • to develop WEU as the defence component of the European Union and as the means to strengthen the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance in keeping with the obligation entered into on 10 December 1991 in the Declaration on the role of WEU and its relations with the European Union and with the Atlantic Alliance attached to the Treaty on European Union, and
  • to accept in full the substance of Part III of the Petersberg Declaration which will form part of the Protocol of Accession.


Member States of the European Union, which have accepted the invitation to become observers,

  • may, although not being a party to the MBT, attend the meetings of the WEU Council without prejudice to the provisions laid down in Article VIII of the modified Brussels Treaty; at the request of a majority of the member States, or of half of the member States including the Presidency, presence at Council meetings may be restricted to full members;
  • may be invited to meetings of working groups;
  • may be invited, on request, to speak;
  • will have the same rights and responsibilities as the full members for functions transferred to WEU from other fora and institutions to which they already belong.

Associate members:

Other European member States of the Atlantic Alliance which have accepted the invitation to become associate members of WEU, although not being parties to the modified Brussels Treaty, may participate fully in the meetings of the WEU Council - without prejudice to the provisions laid down in Article VIII of the modified Brussels Treaty - of its working groups and of the subsidiary bodies, subject to the following provisions:

  • at the request of a majority of the member States, or of half of the member States including the Presidency, participation may be restricted to full members;
  • they will be able to be associated to the Planning Cell through a permanent liaison arrangement;
  • they will have the same rights and responsibilities as the full members for functions transferred to WEU from other fora and institutions to which they already belong;
  • they will have the right to speak but may not block a decision that is the subject of consensus among the member States;
  • they may associate themselves with the decisions taken by member States; they will be able to participate in their implementation unless a majority of the member States, or half of the member States including the Presidency, decide otherwise;
  • they will take part on the same basis as full members in WEU military operations to which they commit forces;
  • they will accept in full the substance of Section A of Part III of the Petersberg Declaration which will form part of the association document;

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