Select Committee on Defence Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


European Community document No 20699



1.  Recalling the guiding principles agreed at Cologne, the European Union should be able to assume its responsibilities for the full range of conflict prevention and crisis management tasks defined in the EU Treaty, the Petersberg tasks.

  2.  The European Union should have the autonomous capacity to decide to launch and then to conduct EU-led military operations in response to international crises, in support of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CPSP), without prejudice to actions by NATO. The action by the Union will be conducted in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the principles and objectives of the OSCE Charter for European Security.

  3.  For this purpose, the following new measures have been agreed:

  4.  First, a common European headline goal will be adopted for readily deployable military capabilities, to be achieved through co-ordinated national and multinational efforts, for carrying out the full range of Petersberg tasks.

  5.  Second, new political military bodies will be established within the Council to enable the Union to take decisions on EU-led Petersberg operations and to ensure the necessary political control and strategic direction of such operations.

  6.  Third, principles for co-operation with non-EU European NATO members and other European partners in EU-led military crisis management will be agreed, without prejudice to the Union's decision-making autonomy.

  7.  Fourth, further steps will be taken to ensure mutual consultation, co-operation and transparency between the EU and NATO on the development of the Union's capability for military crisis management and on the appropriate military response to a crisis.

  8.  Efforts to carry out Petersberg tasks will improve Member States' national and multinational military capabilities, which will at the same time, as appropriate, strengthen the capabilities of NATO and enhance the effectiveness of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) in promoting European security.


  9.  The Member States committed themselves at Cologne to develop more effective European military capabilities from the basis of the existing national, bi-national and multinational capabilities, and required in particular to reinforce their capabilities in the fields of intelligence, strategic transport, and command and control.

  10.  The Member States have decided without unnecessary duplication to enhance and strengthen their military capabilities for Petersberg tasks to allow the Union to undertake operations in support of the CFSP. Particular attention will be devoted to deployability, sustainability, interoperability, flexibility and mobility, taking account of the results of the WEU audit of assets and capabilities for European-led crisis management missions. The enhancement of the Union's crisis management capabilities will contribute to, benefit from, and therefore be complementary with the work carried out under the NATO Defence Capabilities Initiative (DCI) and, as appropriate, within the Planning and Review Process (PARP) of the PfP.

  11.  An EU-led military crisis management operation will be carried out by national and multinational European forces pre-identified by the Member States who may commit the same forces for NATO-led operations and other missions as well. For the conduct of EU-led operations, the Union may use NATO assets and capabilities, with NATO agreement or national and multinational European means without recourse to NATO assets and capabilities.

  12.  The Member States have decided to define a headline goal established in the light of crisis management experience gained in recent years and directly related to the full range of Petersberg tasks.

  13.  By the end of 2002, the Union should be able to bring together, from pre-identified national and multinational assets, and rapidly to deploy and then to sustain forces up to 50,000 capable of the full range of Petersberg tasks, with requisite intelligence, command and control, logistics and other support services, and appropriate air and naval elements. The Member States should be able to deploy in full at this level within 60 days and sustain such a deployment with adequate replacements for up to two years.

  14.  The General Affairs Council (GAC) reinforced by the Defence Ministers will elaborate the headline goal and the relevant performance criteria for national contributions. Reflecting their political will and commitment, the Member States will set national objectives for their forces available for Petersberg tasks matching the performance criteria. A common approach will be developed within the Council through which progress towards the headline goal can be evaluated including a regular review of progress made in national contributions.

  15.  Encouraging progress has been made towards the restructuring of European defence industries, which constitutes an important step forward and contributes to strengthening the European industrial and technological basis. Such developments call for increased efforts to seek further progress in the harmonisation of military requirements and the planning and procurement of arms between the Member States.


  16.  The Council decides upon policy relevant to Union involvement in all phases and aspects of crisis management including decisions to carry out Petersberg tasks in accordance with Article 23 of the EU Treaty. Taken within the single institutional framework, decisions will ensure inter-pillar coherence in conformity with Article 3 of the EU Treaty.

  17.  All Member States are entitled to participate fully and on an equal footing in all the decisions and activities related to EU-led operations in the Council and relevant Council bodies, subject to the provisions below (para 35). The commitment of national assets by Member States to such operations will be based on their sovereign decision.

  18.  The Council will ensure the involvement of Defence Ministers on the common security and defence policy. When the GAC discusses matters related to the common European security and defence policy (CESDP) Defence Ministers as appropriate will participate to provide guidance on defence matters. The Council may invite Defence Ministers to meet when particular defence topics are to be discussed.

  19.  The following new permanent political and military bodies will be established within the Council:

  20.  A standing Political and Security Committee (PSC) in Brussels will be composed of senior level representatives. The PSC will deal with all aspects of the CFSP including the common European security and defence policy in accordance with the provisions of the EU Treaty and without prejudice to Community competences in economic, humanitarian and other fields and respecting the EU Treaty (Article 3) and the responsibilities of COREPER under the EC Treaty (Article 207). In the case of military crisis management operation, the PSC may be authorised by the Council to exercise the day-to-day political control and strategic direction of the operation.

  21.  The Military Committee (MC) will be composed of the Chiefs of Defence of the EU Member States, represented by their military delegates. The MC will meet at the level of the Chiefs of Defence as and when necessary. Acting under the political guidance of the Council, this committee will provide for consultation and co-operation between the Member States and give military advice and make recommendations through the PSC, and normally through COREPER, to the Council as well as provide military direction to the Military Staff.

  22.  The Military Staff (MS) within the Council Secretariat will provide military expertise and support to the CEDSP, including the conduct of EU-led military crisis management operations. Acting in accordance with the political guidance of the Council and under the military direction of the Military Committee, the Military Staff will perform early warning, situation assessment and strategic planning for Petersberg tasks including identification of European national and multinational forces.

  23.  As an interim measure, the following bodies will be set up within the Council as of the beginning of the year 2000.

  24.  In accordance with the Treaty provisions with regard to COREPER and the Political Committee (POCO), representatives of Member States will compose an interim political and security committee, a standing body in Brussels. This committee is tasked to take forward the work on the CESDP by making recommendations through the POCO and COREPER and deal with CFSP affairs on the day-to-day basis in close contact with the Secretary-General/High Representative.

  25.  An interim committee of military representatives of Member States is established to give military advice as needed to the interim political and security committee.

  26.  Military experts will be seconded from the Member States to the Council Secretariat in order to assist in the work on the CESDP. These military experts will be transferred in time into the Military Staff.

  27.  The Secretary General/High Representative (HR), in assisting the Council, has a key contribution to make to the efficiency and consistency of the CFSP and the development of the common security and defence policy. In conformity with the EU Treaty, the SG/HR will assess the present policy options for the Council and contribute to implementation of policy decisions.

  28.  In the interim period, the High Representative in his capacity as Secretary General of the WEU should make full use of the WEU assets for the purpose of advising the Council on tasks and missions under Article 17 of the EU Treaty.


  29.  The Union will ensure the necessary dialogue, consultation and co-operation with NATO and its non-EU members, EU associated countries as well as other prospective partners in EU-led crisis management, with full respect for the decision-making autonomy of the EU and the single institutional framework of the Union.

  30.  With European NATO members who are not members of the EU and other partners who are candidates for membership of the EU, permanent structures will be established for dialogue and information on issues related to security and defence and in particular crisis management. These structures will serve for consultation in the event of a crisis.

  31.  Upon a decision by the Council to launch an operation, the non-EU European NATO members will be invited to participate if they so wish, in the event of an operation requiring recourse to NATO assets and capabilities. They will be involved in shaping the decision on such EU-led operations from an early phase (within the structures referred to in para 30). They may also be invited to take part in operations where the EU does not use NATO assets. Other EU associates may also be invited by the Council to take part in EU-led operations if they so wish, once the Council has decided to launch such an operation with or without recourse to NATO assets and capabilities.

  32.  Russia, Ukraine and other European states will also be engaged with the Union in the existing institutional frameworks for co-operation and they may be invited to take part in EU-led operations. The Union welcomes the interest indicated by Canada to contribute to European crisis management.

  33.  All the states that have confirmed their participation in an EU-led operation with forces or other significant resources will have the same rights and obligations as the EU Member States in the day-to-day conduct of such an operation.

  34.  In the case of an EU-led operation, an ad hoc committee of contributors at the PSC level is set up for the daily political control and strategic direction of that operation. All EU Member States have a right to attend the ad hoc committee, whether or not they are participating in the operation, while only contributing states will take part in the day-to-day conduct of that operation. Decisions among the contributors will be taken without prejudice to decisions by the Council and they cannot block a decision by the Council.

  35.  The decision to end an operation will be taken by the Council after appropriate consultation with the other participating states.

  36.  Effective mutual consultation, co-operation and transparency between the EU and NATO will be ensured in the development of the CESDP. Initially relations will be developed on an informal basis, through personal contacts between the SG/High Representative for CFSP and the Secretary General of NATO.

  37.  In due course, a politico-military framework arrangement should be concluded between Union and NATO for the purpose of co-operation in crisis management operations as set out in Washington and at Cologne.


  38.  The Portuguese Presidency is invited, together with the High Representative, to carry forward the work within the General Affairs Council on strengthening the common European security and defence policy and report to the Oporto European Council on the progress made, including:

  39.  recommendations on the institutional development of the new permanent political and military bodies related to the CESDP within the EU together with an indication of any Treaty changes which may be necessary (notably with regard to paras 20, 21 and 22);

  40.  proposals on appropriate implementation arrangements that will allow the non-EU European NATO members and candidate countries to contribute to EU military crisis management;

  41.  recommendations on developing EU-NATO relations and proposals on a set of guiding principles for consultation with NATO.

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