Select Committee on Defence Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to the Chairman from the Chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee, Mr Jimmy Hood MP concerning strengthening the Common European Policy on Security and Defence

As you know, a number of developments are taking place in the area of the Common European Policy on Security and Defence. The Government has recently deposited in Parliament a Presidency Report on this subject, which is due to be discussed in the Helsinki European Council. The document raises issues of major importance for the EU, which also have implications for the forthcoming IGC into which we are currently inquiring.

  We considered the document today and concluded that it would be very helpful for the House to have the views of your Committee on the proposed developments. We therefore decided formally to request an opinion on this document from your Committee.

  As always, timing is difficult, but we are hoping to complete our IGC inquiry early in the New Year, with a view to reporting to the House by the end of February. It would be very helpful to have your views in time to take them into account in our Report, but, if this is not possible, we could return to this document at a later date.

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