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House of Commons
Session 1999-2000
Publications on the internet
Environmental Audit Committee Publications

Environmental Audit - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 18 January 2000.


Members present:

Mr John Horam, in the Chair

Mrs Helen Brinton
Mr Neil Gerrard
Mr Dominic Grieve
Dr Brian Iddon
Mr Jon Owen Jones
Mr Tim Loughton
Ms Christine Russell
Mr Jonathan R Shaw
Joan Walley


Memorandum from HM Treasury

Further memorandum from HM Treasury

Further memorandum from HM Treasury

Examination of Witnesses

MR STEPHEN TIMMS, a member of the House and Financial Secretary, MR SIMON VIRLEY, Head of environmental tax team, MR DAMIEN MCBRIDE, Tax policy team, HM Treasury and MS HEATHER MASSIE, Excise policy group, HM Customs & Excise, examined.

Question Numbers

290 - 299

300 - 319

320 - 339

340 - 359

360 - 379

380 - 399

400 - 420

Supplementary memorandum from Her Majesty's Treasury in response to written questions from the Committee

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Prepared 11 February 2000