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House of Commons
Session 1999-2000
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Environmental Audit Committee Publications

Environmental Audit - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 30 November 1999.



Members present:
Mr John Horam, in the Chair Mr Jon Owen Jones
Mr Bob BlizzardMr Tim Loughton
Mr Neil GerrardJoan Walley
Mr Dominic Grieve


Memorandum submitted by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Memorandum from The Pesticides Trust

Examination of Witnesses

DR MARK AVERY, Director of Conservation and MR MATTHEW RAYMENT, Rural Economist, The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), MR DAVID BUFFIN, Pesticides Trust, examined.

Question Number

1 - 19

20 - 31

Supplementary memorandum from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Appendix: Species identified as having been affected by pesticides in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan

Supplementary memorandum from The Pesticides Trust

Memorandum from British Agrochemicals Association

Annex 1

Memorandum from the National Farmers' Union

NFU's response to the Consultation Paper on Climate Change Levy by HM Customs & Excise

Memorandum from Water UK

Annex 1 : Letter from Water UK to Tax Policy Team, HM Treasury

Examination of Witnesses

MR TONY PEXTON, Deputy President and MR SIMON LUNNISS, Head of Crops Department, National Farmers' Union (NFU), DR ANNE BUCKENHAM, Director General British Agrochemicals Association (BAA) and MR HARRY KERSHAW, Head of Business for UK and Ireland, AgrEvo UK Ltd, DR BOB BREACH, Head of Quality and Environmental Services for Severn Trent Water Ltd (representing Water UK), examined.

Question Number

32 - 39

40 - 59

60 - 64

Supplementary memorandum submitted by the British Agrochemicals Association Ltd (BAA)

Supplementary memorandum submitted by the National Farmers' Union

Memorandum from The Environment Agency

Examination of Witnesses

DR PAUL LEINSTER, Director of Environmental Protection, MR RONAN PALMER, Chief Economist, MR STEVE KILLEEN, Head of Chemicals Policy, The Environment Agency, examined.

Question Number

65 - 79

80 - 93

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Prepared 9 February 2000