Select Committee on Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Annex 2


  In 1904 Leeds had over 40 suburban railway stations within the present city boundaries. These were cut back savagely during the "Beeching Era", much more that other cities, so that by 1965 Leeds had only nine suburban stations. Four stations have since been reopened but today the city has only 13 suburban stations and no new station has been opened in the city for 11 years now. Two railway lines have no stations at all on them emphasising that Leeds people have poor access to rail services.

  The picture is therefore one of a city poorly served by rail, too dependent on road transport, and having fallen behind other British cities. A programme of rail development is now urgently needed to extend rail transport and integrate with other forms of transport as follows:

    (1)  Leeds Supertram. An early start is needed on line 1 of the Leeds Supertram from the city centre to Belle Isle and Middleton with Parkt and Ride stations at Tingley (for M62 Motorway) and Stourton (for M1 Motorway) with Metrotrain interchange at Hunslet and Leeds City.

    (2)  Additional City Centre Station. A new city centre station at Parish Church/Quarry Hill to serve the east of the city centre and give interchange with the adjacent Central Bus Station.

    (3)  More Suburban Rail Stations. The locations of a possible 14 additional suburban rail stations are shown on the sketch below.

    (4)  More Frequent Services. Enhanced frequencies on the trunk local Metrotrain services between main centres as follows.

    —  Bradford Interchange—East Leeds

    —  Halifax/Huddersfield—Mirfield—Leeds

    —  Wakefield Westgate—Leeds

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